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Subject: And then maybe someone a bit more contemporary

Si Wills
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Date Posted: 07:52:01 05/29/02 Wed
In reply to: Andy V 's message, "ACC Legends List" on 05:20:50 05/29/02 Wed

Nice suggestion Andy. Can't say i had the pleasure of playing with Simon Lloyd though, although he is still talked about in club circles with much respect. In fact i played with his son ben when we were in our early teens. i wonder what has become of him now.

I guess that the tables are turned a bit with this next suggestion in that I don't think that you had the chance to play with him. It appears that he will be flying the nest from this summer onwards, having graduated from Durham University. The person in question would be the first to admit that he did not score as much runs as his talent suggested he would. Therefore he is remebered for other reasons, with the main one being his irrelevant lines of encouragement and ways of winding up the opposition. Consider the following beauties:

"Bowl him a piano next ball, see if he can play that" (said to the bowler while Alan Wilson was batting)

"Let's keep it in the Bristol" (in relation to the channel that the bowler is supposed to be bowling at)

"M.O.T. mate" (matter of time)

I could go on, but needless to say that he became your dad's nemesis. We would be laughing as saying after saying was uttered and your dad began to shake his head aggressively as he umpired.

I could go on, but stop short to saythat I nominate Olly Torri

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