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Subject: johnny ollie watch

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Date Posted: 01:20:49 11/08/01 Thu

Just like to inform all members of the forum that our dear and beloved scorer rang me up last night at 11.45pm, as you can magine robsy was not at all happy. This is how the conversation went
J H > Helo ewan itssss john
I R > Oh Bill its you what the fuck are you doin phoneing at this time
J H> Well heard today from somebody that the cricket dinner has been
I R> well who ever told bill is talking through their arse
J H> So the dinnnerrr isss sstill on chrristmass Day
I R> Yes bill like i told you
J H> ye ok no problemm
I R> right Bill im going back to bed some of us have to work in the mornin
I R > ok Bill tarra for a bit fuck off

Can you belive that he phoned me at 11.45 with out thinking anything of it, By the way Dax's its spelt Shw fwrche, oh and Pricey my dear and loving skipper never had two yellowsss its always been straight red.
up the town
p s Pricey, williams is coming home on the 24th so get your arse into town for a few beers.

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Subject Author Date
Collect your Bill stories RobsySi Wills04:41:52 11/08/01 Thu
Has anyone else seen him wearing that figure-hugging real (?) leather jacket over xmas? (NT)Aber fashion police04:05:39 01/07/02 Mon
Bill Watch updateMark Lloyd Davies04:56:31 05/25/02 Sat

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