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Date Posted: 20:23:35 09/25/23 Mon
Author: M.J.
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Subject: A History of Carlisle College Football (Disclaimer Attached)

Disclaimer: Apart from the years 1879, and 1893-1917, this article regarding Carlisle University is considered fiction. This is mainly a "What If Carlisle Re-Opened" scenario. This article and its contents are written from an objective lens and does not reflect the author's opinions. The author apologizes in advance for the contents of this article.

A History of Carlisle College Football
1879-1885: The United States Indian Industrial School opens. Their first football team, called the Pirates, lasts until 1885 before being forced to disband as a result of a particularly violent on-field brawl that lasts for about 45 minutes between their cross-town rival, Dickinson School of Law, leaving the school without a football team until 1893. A similar event will not take place in college football until LSU defeated Tulane amidst a similar, albeit less energized brawl 99 years later.
1893-1917: The United States Indian Industrial School Indians is well-known as a national powerhouse, competing against Army, Navy, Pennsylvania, Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Brown, Princeton, Cornell, Syracuse, Penn State and Virginia. Like many teams during this era, the team doesn’t wear any helmets.
1918: The United States Army closes the school for two years, converting the barracks to a rehabilitation hospital for returning servicemen.
1920-1945: The United States Indian Industrial School re-opens after two years as Carlisle University. Team mascot – Indians – remains as before. First year of helmets – leather, no designs. Carlisle would go onto have a bitter sports rivalry with Dickinson College until 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic prevented the teams from competing in what would have been the 101st Blood Bowl.
1938: Carlisle University commissions band leader Barnee Breeskin of the Washington Redskins to compose the university’s fight song, “To War! Go Scalp ‘Um Injuns, For Grand Ol’ Carlisle,” which would go on to be used until the end of the 2019-2020 school year. The song was composed in twelve hours and was the start of a 57-year affiliation with the Washington Redskins.
1946-1960: After 26 years of wearing drab leather helmets, the 1946 season saw the debut of the burgundy red, plastic helmet.
1961-1968: A white-and-gold feather is added at the back.
1963: Washington Redskins move from Occidental College to Carlisle University for spring training.
1969-1973: The feather at the back is replaced with a white-and-gold spear on each side of the helmet.
1972: 550 students petition that the “Indians” mascot and team song be retired and replaced. Not only do the all-white board of directors dismiss the petition, but the students can only watch in shock as Chairman George “Pappy Pug” Malone pulls down his trousers and wipes his backside with the petition before tossing it off the balcony! Malone, who had served as Chairman for 24 years at the time, was never removed from the board for this egregious act of defiance, and would continue as Chairman until his death in 2007 at the age of 83.
1974-1978: The 1972 “Head-on-Shield” logo is introduced along with white-narrow burgundy-yellow-narrow burgundy-white stripes.
1979-1982: Yellow facemasks are introduced for the 1979 season.
1983-2019: The 1982 “Head-on-Shield” logo is introduced and stays for the next 37 years.
1995: Washington Redskins terminate their 57-year affiliation with Carlisle University by announcing a move to Frostburg State for spring training starting in 1995.
2020-Present: After fifteen long years of legal dispute against the NCAA, a court ruling declared that Carlisle University could no longer use the “Indians” nickname, and had to come up with a new one. Just to be difficult, Carlisle University Sports Director Henry Richardson announced that the new nickname would be the “Nazis” and that the new fight song would be “Horst-Wessel-Lied”. Furthermore, there were to be no protests over the matter or he would disband all of the sports teams. Chairman Simon “Baby Pug” Malone and the rest of the still all-white Board of Directors then doubled down by declaring both martial law and a state of emergency, threatening to not only expel any protesters, but also close and sell off Carlisle University if both the NCAA and the judge did not retract their decisions within 24 hours.
In response, Richardson, Malone and the other 22 members of the Board of Directors were arrested for extortion and obstruction of justice, and on August 10, with a new Board of Directors in place, a “name the team” contest was held instead, with the understanding that the “Indians” nickname, mascot and team song could no longer be used. Both the NCAA and the ruling judge also declared that the “Nazis” nickname was banned from use as it was “clearly meant to offend not only the NCAA Board of Directors but also the ruling judge, who had previously issued a ruling against Carlisle’s “Indians” mascot.” The new Board of Directors announced that they would not contest any rulings with previous mascots and would stick to the “name the team” contest.
The four names eligible for selection were:
Drive – named after the numerous car shows in Carlisle. Mascot: Christine; Sports Theme: John Carpenter – Christine (12" Version); University Colors: Sky Blue, Orange & White; Helmet Design: Detroit Drive Helmet & Decal, Orange Facemask; Votes: 27%
Outlaws – name chosen to acknowledge the fact that American First Nations people, African-Americans and other minorities are treated as second-class citizens to this day. Mascot: Louis Mandrin; Sports Theme: Hugh Montenegro & His Orchestra – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly; University Colors: Black, Red, Copper & White; Helmet Design: 1995 Ottawa Rough Riders Helmet & Facemask, Oklahoma Outlaws Decal; Votes: 24.1%
Pirates – named after the first football team in 1879. Mascot: Calico Jack; Sports Theme: Hans Zimmer – The Kraken; University Colors: Purple, Orange, Silver, Black & White; Helmet Design: 2000 Central Arkansas Helmet, Black Facemask, Shreveport Pirates Decal; Votes: 24.5%
Thunder – named after the first national powerhouse team that Carlisle University had from 1893 to 1917. Mascot: Big Jim Thunderbird; Sports Theme: The Alan Parsons Project – The Ace Of Swords; University Colors: Lime Green, White, Royal Blue, Aqua, Old Gold, Black, Sky Blue & Yellow; Helmet Design: Sacramento Gold Miners Helmet & Facemask, Orlando Thunder Decal; Votes: 24.4%
The winning team name, by 2.5%, was “Drive.” The colors of the university were changed accordingly to reflect the current era and demographic.

Affiliation by Year:
1879-1881: NAIA Division II Independent
1882-1885: NAIA Division I Independent
1893-1917: NCAA Division I Independent
1920-1946: Big Ten Conference
1947-1952: Yankee Conference
1953-Present: Atlantic Coast Conference

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[> Re: A History of Carlisle College Football (Disclaimer Attached) -- M.J., 21:04:14 09/25/23 Mon (

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[> [> Re: A History of Carlisle College Football (Disclaimer Attached) -- IDM3, 01:13:15 09/28/23 Thu (

>Feel free to leave any comments pertaining to the
>article below.
I really like it! My biggest question would be: Has the author copyrighted this? It would make an interesting novel or movie.

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[> [> [> Re: A History of Carlisle College Football (Disclaimer Attached) -- IDM3, 13:11:19 08/06/24 Tue (

>>Feel free to leave any comments pertaining to the
>>article below.
>I really like it! My biggest question would be: Has
>the author copyrighted this? It would make an
>interesting novel or movie.

He really should! Even a TV mini-series.

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[> A History of Carlisle College Football: A Correction -- M.J., 18:56:15 12/27/23 Wed (

Correction: Carlisle was affiliated with the Yankee Conference from 1947 to 1997, after which it joined the Big East until 1 July 2013, after which it joined the ACC. The original post mentioned that Carlisle joined the ACC in 1953.
The author apologizes for the error.

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[> [> Re: A History of Carlisle College Football: A Correction -- Prof. Josiah Sunderley from Dunwich Grammar School, 14:46:18 10/23/24 Wed (

>Correction: Carlisle was affiliated with the Yankee
>Conference from 1947 to 1997, after which it joined
>the Big East until 1 July 2013, after which it joined
>the ACC. The original post mentioned that Carlisle
>joined the ACC in 1953.
>The author apologizes for the error.
That poem's rubbish, Jack!

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[> Re: A History of Carlisle College Football (Disclaimer Attached) -- Bullshit Finder, 20:47:43 08/02/24 Fri (

>Disclaimer: Apart from the years 1879, and 1893-1917,
>this article regarding Carlisle University is
>considered fiction. This is mainly a "What If Carlisle
>Re-Opened" scenario.

This is a pile of garbage.

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