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Subject: The fox kit runs in . . .

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Date Posted: 02:40:46 08/12/04 Thu

I's can't a'believe my's eyes! Active dibbuns on dis site! Oh, my's poor skull. Well, I's can only think o' one things to does at a time such as dis 'un . . . FOOD FIGHT!!!!

*The fox kit pulls a bottle of strawberry fizz out of his tunic, shakes it, and sprays every dibbun in range.*

Is great to's bes back! *He grins.*

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**throws a pie at Talors** mes wove food fights! **takes another pie and throws it at a dibbun talking to another dibbun** hehehe (NT)Ainsley05:40:07 08/12/04 Thu
*Pulls a piece of pie crust out of his ear and throws a pawful of honey at Ainsley.* Yahahaha! Gotcha youse stickys dibbun! (NT)Talor22:00:30 08/14/04 Sat
**opens up a srawberry fizz and suirts it right at Talor's face** yous be sticky now tos! (NT)ainsley03:41:33 08/15/04 Sun
*Does a little dance.* I's be's da sticky fox, sticky sticky sticky. *Scoops up a pawful of meadowcream and flings it at Ainsley.* (NT)Talor13:46:44 08/15/04 Sun
*Flicks a chunk of pie off of his snout.* Welcomes back! I's gots this fer youse . . . *Overturns a small jar of honey onto the wildcat's head.* (NT)Talor00:03:32 08/18/04 Wed
*Snorts too much cordial up his nose and starts to laugh.* Yahahahaha ... ow, dat tickles. *Snatches a strawberry pie and tosses it at Saih.* Hopes youse lika strawbees! (NT)Talor21:09:55 08/18/04 Wed
**puta s ahuge bowl of meadowcream on Saihs head** (NT)ainsley00:06:19 08/22/04 Sun
*Talor grabs a blueberry scone, and takes a step back to throw it at Ainsley. After throwing the scone, he loses his balance and falls backward into a summercream pudding.* Yah! (NT)Talor16:52:08 08/22/04 Sun
**opens her mouth and the scone goes right in** **munch munch** hmm that was yummies thankyous Taylor! **throws a pie of candied chestnuta at taylor* (NT)Ainsley02:40:14 08/25/04 Wed
*A light brown ottermaid of about 15 or so seasons enters. As she comes in, she is careful to put her staff, dark purple cloak, and long sword out of dibbun pawreach.* Hello, Dartpaw? Are you there? *Notices several dibbuns engaged in a food fight. She playfully grabs a pawful of scones and lobs them into the fray.* (NT)Clearwater Icebank02:21:15 09/02/04 Thu
*The ottermaid catches the turnover, but it breaks open on her paw. She puts her paw in her mouth.* Mmmm... tasty. *She then scoops up the remainder off of the ground and lobs it at a fox kit that is attracting most of the fire. She then lobbes pawfuls of meadow cream at a wildcat babe.* (NT)Clearwater02:26:48 09/07/04 Tue
**opens a strawberry fizz and sqirts it at clear water** hehe (NT)Ainsley20:36:58 09/12/04 Sun
*Gets the strawberry fizz straight in the face* Oy! That's not fair! *sneezes the fizzy drink until her nose is empty* Oho, yore in fer it now! *grabs a small keg of fresh water and dumps it on Ainsley.* (NT)Clearwater01:43:22 09/14/04 Tue
Hey! No usin' water! What does you think we's be? Filthy dibbuns that needs to bes baffed? I's don't thinks so! *Grabs a woodland summercream pudding and throws it at Clearwater.* (NT)Talor18:45:23 09/17/04 Fri
*Covers his head with his paws.* Yahahaha! It be's a raining salad. *Sticks one of his paws into a jar of honey, scoops out a pawful, and flings it at Clearwater.* (NT)Talor15:25:41 09/19/04 Sun
Cough, cough. *Wipes honey and flour from his eyes.* Yahahahaha! Nows I's bes a white foxxer dibbun. Nobeast bes gonna recognize mes. I's thinks I's gonna haunt the fort fer a whiles. (NT)Talor20:50:33 09/24/04 Fri
*Gets splattered with the fruit juice and the flourwashes off.* Heys! I's gonna get youse fer that 'un. *Grabs a flagon of pear cordial, shakes it, and sprays it at Clearwater.* (NT)Talor14:21:18 09/26/04 Sun
mes here and ready to get dirty! (NT)Andrea22:49:03 11/15/04 Mon
*a pile of cream moves from under the table* skiddle is here!!!! *licks her face smiling broadly* (NT)Skiddle03:01:36 11/19/04 Fri

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