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Subject: **opens a strawberry fizz and sqirts it at clear water** hehe

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Date Posted: 20:36:58 09/12/04 Sun
In reply to: Talor 's message, "The fox kit runs in . . ." on 02:40:46 08/12/04 Thu

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*Gets the strawberry fizz straight in the face* Oy! That's not fair! *sneezes the fizzy drink until her nose is empty* Oho, yore in fer it now! *grabs a small keg of fresh water and dumps it on Ainsley.* (NT)Clearwater01:43:22 09/14/04 Tue
    *the adult otter was sitting quietly nearby, watching his friend coating the already sticky dibbuns with food. Upon the attack of the water keg, he chuckled to himself. Clearwater was not yet well-versed in the art of Dibbun food-fights...she had just administered a bath and was about to be repaid for it shortly. Sensing a wave of sticky about to erupt, he finds an excuse to travel to a different part of the Fort* (NT)Dakkan Strongrudder01:47:24 09/14/04 Tue

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