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Date Posted: 20:40:49 04/21/02 Sun
Author: Liz
Subject: Re: Gnats (I think) in my Houseplants
In reply to: Stephanie P in St. Louis 's message, "Gnats (I think) in my Houseplants" on 14:13:59 04/06/02 Sat

Glad you're seeing progress, Stephanie. What I hate most is fishing them out of my coffee. Yuck. But the lemonade seems to work? Interesting. Is it instant powdered stuff or the real thing? Wonder if they'd like Kool Aid. That stuff has to be good for something.

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[> Re: Gnats (I think) in my Houseplants -- Loretta, 03:47:27 06/04/02 Tue [1]

The important thing is to start looking for the gnats before it's too late! I let a few fly around, thinking they'd eventually go away, but no..now I see one every 30 seconds or so! Today, I repotted two of my larger, over-watered plants to see if that does the trick. My mother suggested 7 dust, which I've sprinkled around the base of my plants. Hope it works! I've also heard my office plant keepers use 7 Dust to repel and kill these gnats.

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[> [> Re: Gnats (I think) in my Houseplants -- Ann, 23:20:55 11/27/04 Sat [1]

We have a small greenhouse attached to our home and I've used a home remedy soil drench crushing 4 garlic bulbs, 1/2 cup of baking soda and a gallon of water. Boil these ingredients and allow it to cool to room temperature. Strain the liquid into a watering can and soak your plant with the fungus gnats. Work the strained garlic into the soil (careful not to disturb any roots). I usually can rid any and all plants of the pests. The best way to avoid them though is to allow your plants to dry between waterings.

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