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Date Posted: 20:13:36 05/02/03 Fri
Author: Lorna
Subject: B-) Gnat Problems
In reply to: Stephanie P in St. Louis 's message, "Gnats (I think) in my Houseplants" on 14:13:59 04/06/02 Sat

WELL, I have bred a species of gnat here in my office that is immune to EVERYTHING! I hate little flying insects, and love plants, but I have a case of gnats that has only gotten worse. I have DROWN my plants in insect spray (If I don't water them with insecticide, they go into withdrawals and start seizing.), tried soapy water (which keeps them off the leaves and makes them smell lemony fresh, but it's the soil and air I'm irritated about), changed the soil (Jiminy Cricket they LOVED that...it's like a buffet!), and tried rocks (big one, little ones, radioactive ones, you name it.).

So far, the only thing that's keeping my populus to a minimum is the cobwebs on my windowsill. I'm desperate! I hate spiders, but what I've started doing is putting a tiny piece of fruit under his tiny little web, and then cleaning his web every couple of weeks when it becomes filled with tiny little gnat bodies - he seems to appreciate the help. He's very small (I've never even actually SEEN the spider), but as long as he doesn't eat my office mate, I suppose he's allright for now.

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[> [> Re: Gnat Problems -- Suzanne, 15:05:56 04/30/04 Fri [1]

Lorna, I had the same problem, so I kept my houseplants in buckets of water for about 2 months. They all survived and then I use Bayer 3-1 Potting soil (recomended by a gardner). I didn't have problems until two yrs later I used miracle gro once again. Now I'm thinking about tossing them all away, but I'm calling Miracle Gro first. You can also try using 1 capful of bleach to 2 gallons of water. Hope this helps.

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