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Date Posted: 22:09:23 05/27/03 Tue
Author: maggie
Subject: Re: Just wondering
In reply to: Cassie 's message, "Just wondering" on 01:00:23 05/27/03 Tue

Hey, Cassie - what do you mean, your husband has shut you off from houseplants? I keep about 35 houseplants in the house, but only the ones I like - for instance I don't like Aroids, or Cacti, or Euphorbias; I don't care for African Violets because they don't succeed with me; trial and error have taught me the plants I like to have in the house.
Talking about them is nearly as much fun as growing them!
Most of my plants were grown from small starter plants which I bought very cheaply in the supermarket - sometimes I get them in jumble sales or car boot sales too.
How do you get yours?

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[> [> Re: Just wondering -- cassie, 00:45:31 05/28/03 Wed [1]

hiyas maggie. im horrible, i steal clippings and leaves wnerever i go. im always starting something. like at my daughters brownie troop meeting place, its a elder center, and they have a window with like 10 different huge african violets so im forever stealing their leaves and starting new plants. i told you im bad lolol. i like to go to home depot because when a plant is no longer sellable due to their neglect, they let me get clippings that may make it. i got a pothos that way and a umbrella plant that my ferret manages to destroy one day when i was gone. i love to go to annual garden shows, you can get great deals on plants there. ive gotten a key lime tree for like 6 bucks compared to $30+. as you can tell im a cheap person lol. theres one here in boston that has everything in it, ive even bought jams and jellies there. my husbands hates houseplants and hates whenever i go to a nursery or home depot or anything having any plant life. what kind of plants do you have and how long have you been dealing with houseplants?


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