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Date Posted: 12:11:17 08/22/03 Fri
Author: nadia
Subject: Have you ever perceived the immense love of our Creator?

After September 11 I was shocked and scared. My dear God, what is happening? what are we doing? Were are we going? While I whas in a very deep spiritual moment asking our Creator for some unswers, for some understanding, I had experienced his immense magnitude and love, here are the words I have used to esxpress the feeling and the journey he had allowed me go through:
Dedicated to you:
And God created the world
And God created a beautiful world for His creations. So many amazing beauties, so many animals, so many flowers, so many human races...
Each and every one of His creation is so unique in his spectacular perfection and diversity, and everything knows how to fit perfectly in His world. Human being, the last of His creations, has not yet lerned how to live in harmony with his surroundings and his different brothers. He gave us diversity to make us richer not poorer.
We are so lucky to exist in this such a fantastic world, but we are also so foolish to dishonor His LOVE with hate, His creations with destructions, the life He has given to everything and everybody with death.
Who are we to use His name to inflict pain and death to His children? Who are we to use His name to gain power and control over our brothers?
Let's stop going against God. God is love and life. Let's all live together in peace in His world menat for all of us. Let's learn to love one another just like he loves us all. Let's live up to His expectations.
Let's all work together for a better tomorrow, for ourselves, for our children, becaue they too have the right to live in this world; LOVE il the only path that leads to life; Hate leads to DEATH.
GOD is LIFE, GOD is LOVE. Let's all pray GOD to help us to make some SENSE in our minds and some LOVE in our hearts. Amen.
One of us

I have noticed that a lot of people who had near death experience, no matter what thier religion, age, sex was, they all experienced the same thing: when they got close to the othr side or to the spiritual world, they all eperienced the essence of pure love. That is what a lot of (real) holy men experienced too....they are able to gain axcess to this great power so that it can lead and engulfe their life....they are led by the power of love....They all tried to show us the way by different means, different stories. It is a pity that the original message and purpose often gets alterated and misused by others, it is a pity to see what it had become of religions....anybody can axcess to this power and get in touch with it, and it was not only for the men of the holy books. We all have GOD inside ourselves, and there is where we have to look, not in the churches of men. His temples are inside human beings hearts, we have to learn how to get in touch with HIM. We have to learn to listen to our consciences, we have to learn to love one another, we have to learn to help one another....we have to learn to live......we have to learn to be grateful to GOD for all the things He has given to us...
We are all overly concerned with what we do not have, or with what we have lost, forgetting completely about the rest of our treasures....let's learn to be loving creatured, let's learn to be caring, let's learn to be happy....We are all in this world to learn....who has learned something, has to help those behind him and give them a hand...the chain should continue until we are all safe.....

If you search the web for:
dreams and premonitions nadia cinque
you may find some helpful messages. I had many oob, spiritual experiences and visions, and I feel have the duty to pass over the information that God has allowed me to access for the wellbeing of all his children. You can check all the messages or replay messages with my name "nadia" and I hope you will find something useful or some maybe some answers....

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