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Subject: Another opportunity to express freedom of speech

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Date Posted: 22:58:55 11/07/01 Wed

How's this for a posting...

Well school doesn't completely suck (except for my Accounting 2 teacher). I'm taking a cool class in Freedom of Speech and I found out that I can pretty much say and express myself in any way I want and not get in trouble for it as long as I'm not messing around with someone else's rights...as a matter of fact I think I'll go into my back yard right now and burn an American flag just to show I can do whatever I want...oh wait..I don't have a backyard. Hmmm...oh yes I forgot...I can burn it in the street...its legal now too thanks to a wonderful case called Texas v. Johnson where the Supreme Court decided it was okay to do that as long as nobody came and beat me up for it (of course they'd get their rear thrown in jail so nobody would dare bother me)...if they were only seriously offended or repulsed that was still okay. Cool beans....by the way, I had Chili for dinner tonight. Good thing my roommate has his own room and I can close my door.
Ah the wonders of free speech...try and stop me suckas!

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Subject Author Date
Re: Another opportunity to express freedom of speechWarhawk11:54:18 11/08/01 Thu
Re: Another opportunity to express freedom of speechArt Vandolay11:56:05 11/08/01 Thu

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