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Subject: Re: I like cartoons!

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Date Posted: 13:40:22 11/15/01 Thu
In reply to: Steve W. 's message, "I like cartoons!" on 12:07:57 11/08/01 Thu

>I like cartoons! he he he! I draw them at work because
>I think it makes me look clever and smart! I put them
>into my presentations and even incorporate them into
>my procedures!
>The corporate exects all love me because I use lots of
>clipart. Clipart is fun! Yay me!!!

You sound like an idiot steve. I hope I never have to work with you.
I do, however, enjoy cartoons... of the saturday morning variety, not the clipart variety. Unfortunately saturday morning cartoons have gone down the tubes in recent years. Does anyone know if the old Bugs Bunny cartoons are even still on the air? Those were real cartoons. Probably the funniest cartoons ever were, Freakazoid, The Tick, and Ren and Stimpy (in that order). Anyone ever watch those? Are they still on anywhere?
Also the Space Ghost Coast to Coast show is really funny, although it's not reallya true cartoon. Its always on really late at night, which is probably part of the reason why its so funny. Everything seems 10 times funnier late at night for some reason.

Anyway, thats my two cents on cartoons.

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