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Subject: Lord of the Rings Review

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Date Posted: 23:06:27 01/03/02 Thu

Hey I want to hear everyone's opinion about LOTR if they have seen it. I already read the rambling reviews of Mr. Warhawk's staff writers...they weren't too much help.

I saw it last week. It was quite an intense movie. I enjoyed it a lot. I think I'd give it a B+ or A-. I loved the movie and how they followed the book very closely (those rare occasions where it did not follow the book are my chief complaints). I was pretty well floored by the intensity of the movie just like when I read the book for the first time many years ago. Three cheers for Peter Jackson. The Moria scene was the best part of the whole movie. The Balrog looked very cool. The fight with the Cave Troll was very well done too.

I should, however, give a few negatives and you all can argue about whether you agree or not. I did not feel that the characters were appropriately developed as the movie progressed (although you get get everything into the movie either). But at the end of the movie, I did not really feel that the Fellowship had become the close companions that they had in the book. It seemed like they just all decided, "okay time for us to split...nice knowin you." I hope in the second movie that Legolas and Gimli begin to develop a closer friendship more accurate to that of the book. Also, I did not like how they messed up the scene with Arwen and Frodo racing to Rivendell. It should have been Glorifindel and Frodo should have been riding alone. And what was up with her bawling all over Frodo after he passed out once they were safely across the bridge?? She never even met the hairy little guy! It spoiled the scene for me personally. I don't even like Liv Tyler..blah! Oh well, I've never been much for brunettes anyway.

Okay enough negative stuff...I can add more comments later if needed. The movie was great and I definitely want to go see it again when I get a chance. Thats all I have to say for now...lets hear what everyone has to say... that is of course, if anyone really cares that much anyway.

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Re: Lord of the Rings ReviewWarhawk09:18:15 01/04/02 Fri

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