Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Review |
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Date Posted: 09:18:15 01/04/02 Fri
In reply to:
's message, "Lord of the Rings Review" on 23:06:27 01/03/02 Thu
So far ive seen it 3 times and I agree with your analysis of the movie. It was very well done. The sets were amazing, the effects were good, they followed the book very closely, the acting was pretty good, the casting of the actors was also very good, they all looked pretty much like i imagined them in the book. BUT like you said, they got some scenes wrong, and they didnt develop the characters enough.
I thier defence they had to rush the story a little bit on the first one because they had to spend a lot of time setting up the history of the ring and explainging who everybody was and all that. They wont need to go over all that stuff on the next one so hopefully they will give more time to character development. (Gimli and Legolas dont really become good friends till the second book by the way).
I re-read the moria part in the books, because thats my faveorite part, needless to say its different from the movie. That whole cave troll battle, while cool, wasn’t even in the book (although they do mention cave trolls). It was good to see just how powerful the trolls are, that way people will really realize just how crazy powerful they are when they see some of them in later battles. The whole being surrounded by orcs and then having them run away wasn’t in the book either. Also Gandalf did a little bit of magic in that part but they didn’t show that. But it was still a cool scene and they did a great job on the Balrog.
I can also understand why they put a lot more of Arwen (Liv Tyler) in the movie than was in the book. Hot chicks are more marketable plain and simple, and that’s why they did it. I thought they kinda messed up the Galadriel character, she seemed really creepy to me in the movie with whispering in peoples heads and flaring her eyes at them and all. The part where Frodo offers here the ring was weird too. She didn’t get all crazy like that in the book, that was kinda over doing it. She did say that stuff about if she took the ring she could be a beautiful dark queen that everyone would worship and all that, but I got the impression she was more being sarcastic and never had any intention of really taking the ring. Maybe I should re-read that part.
They didn’t cover Sarumans whole deal enough either. They made him seem like he was all for joining the dark lord and being evil when in the book he suggested that they might pretend to ally with him and then slowly usurp the dark lords throne while he wasn’t looking. So they made it seem like he became a pawn of the dark lord instead of building an army for his own selfish ambitions. They also left out the part where he changes from Sauruman the White to Saruman of many colors. They also left out Radagast, he didn’t do much in the books but it would have been cool to see another wizard. One last thing, they didn’t emphasize the fact that Saruman created his own race of orcs, which were stronger, faster and resistant to sunlight (the Uruk-hai). That’s what all those big dudes were that attacked them at the end, but I don’t think most people didn’t really realize what they were all about. Also they didn’t have sarumans white hand symbol on their shields like they should have. That becomes important later because theres a big difference between Mordor Orcs and the Orcs of the White Hand.
Anyway, those are all minor complains. It would have been impossible to get it EXACTLY like the book, and it would have taken a few more hours too. So thumbs up and everybody who hasn’t seen it is missing out bigtime.
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