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Snowy Cavern

Snowy Cavern

As you walk up the cold icy path, flakes of snow fall softly around you. The blankets of snow grow larger and the winds pick up and whistle softly in your ear, as you walk farther on down the snow filled terrain. Soon the snow stops and before you stands a beautiful white tigeress. Her silver coat gleems under the afternoon sun. She speaks clearly and loudly, smiling kindly at you. "Welcome! I am Blizzard Temptress! you may stay here if you like. It is a harsh enviroment, but we all here can manage." her voice becomes slightly darker. "Just go not into that cave over there.You may go into the one beside it that is where we reside." Her ice blue eyes point over to a opening in the mountian. She takes large, powerful strides up the mountain; disappearing into the cave. Soon the storm starts up again and the hail billows around you,leaving you to decide what to do.


Alpha Female: Blizzard Temptress
Alpha Male: TBC
Backup Female:TBC
Backup Male: TBC
Beta Female:TBC
Beta Male: TBC
Gamma Female: TBC
Gamma Male: TBC
Sigma Female: TBC
Sigma Male: TBC
Omega Female: TBC
Omega Male: TBC
Subordinate Females:
Subordinate Males:
¤-¤Positions do not mean they are mates!¤-¤
¤-¤New commers are welcome as long as they are evil!¤-¤
¤-¤The forbidden cave is off limits. A dark secret lies within it and will be revealed later on. The one near is it is where we reside to sleep, eat, bring up our young and so fourth. Here in the mountains there is elk and rams that you may have for food.¤-¤ __________________________________________________________________________________

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