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Date Posted: 17:18:14 12/22/05 Thu
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: unio-cas1-cs-19.dial.bright.net /
Subject: Re: my kid meet this guy and bought 1 of his animals 12/05
In reply to: barb 's message, "my kid meet this guy and bought 1 of his animals 12/05" on 12:14:14 12/19/05 Mon

No pup that young should be sold. Only people with
experience in feeding babies that size should ever
attempt to hand feed them at four weeks. Apparently
the dollar is worth more than the squirrel's life..

>My daughter bought one of his babys or so he says one
>of his pups .........2 days later pup is DEAD boy did
>she cry cow tears she did everthing he told her on the
>phone she was told the pup would be 8 weeks old when
>she picked up pup was told it was 4 weeks old and he
>did NOT gaurntee it living and was told 50/50 chance
>:( poor pup was sold too young this leads me to belive
>that he cares not for the animals but for the almighty
>Buck it brings from innoncent people like my daughter
>driving all that way to meet him then being givin a
>newborn only to fail at keeping it alive ..i have
>chinchillas and i asked her to just get her a lil
>chinny guy they are much more hardy then them poor lil
>squrriels ,,,,,,,,i felt she was ripped off totally
>buy this wacked guy and his weird rules on how he
>sell's theses poor lil creatures Lesson learned here
>for sure ..im going to dig in to the stuff he told her
>he is ...teaches? students? wildlife ,,im sure wild
>life people have a record of him makes me wonder if
>he's not putting up a net at night and capturing these
>pups ???oh i looked in to getting a permit to sell
>chinchills myself in fl all you need is 20 bucks and a
>note pad to record births what a joke ,,,,,a permit
>is ,nothing more then toilet paper with a 20 dollar
>price tag

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