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Date Posted: 10:25:25 05/12/06 Fri
Author: cindy
Author Host/IP: /
Subject: Re: Wild Babies Update:
In reply to: Bill 's message, "Re: Wild Babies Update:" on 07:37:13 05/12/06 Fri

Best of luck with them. We discovered the flyers when a cat got ahold of one at our shop. She jumped on mike and would not get off. We were scared at first untill we saw what she looked like. We saved her but she died 24 hrs later.
I think if you let them go and keep an eye out for them you would be ok. Make sure they have food and water. But it seems like you know that.LOL

>Your correct about someone could get scared, they
>would probably think a bat landed on them. Who knows
>between now and the future, just maybe some of my pet
>lover friends will take one. The babies are in a
>nursing cage with a nest box now and I am trying not
>to bond, but they will try to bond with me I'm sure.
>They have taken to the apple and cheereos with
>excitement. So far doing super well.
>>It should work ok. It has been done like that before.
>>You might want to handle them much less the last two
>>weeks before release. If they are too tame they may
>>jump to an unsuspecting stranger some night and scare
>>the crap out of them...
>>>Nice pics Cindy, our plan is to try and reintroduce
>>>back to the wild the three we have rescued. I have
>>>many flyers coming to the tree next to the house
>>>the feeders are, and I will place a nest box that
>>>will be using somewhere on that tree when the time to
>>>let them go comes. Now that I have said that, I know
>>>that is not a popular idea, but I really think it
>>>work. They will be close for me to keep a eye on
>>>and they should learn from the orther flyers. If
>>>anyone has any ideas on this please say so.

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