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Date Posted: 08:36:00 11/23/11 Wed
Author: Ky And Pete (We miss you Goofus pancake)
Author Host/IP: dsl-205-20.dynamic-dsl.frii.net /
Subject: Lessons Learned From Goofus Pancake

Goofus Pancake the flying squirrel has died. He gave so much joy to Ky and I over the last 11 years. The many people on this forum (although this forum didn’t exist back then) gave great advice while we learned about the art of squirrel care. And in the years that followed many of you helped with issues or listened to stories. We just wanted to thank you for almost 13 years of advice and support.

Don’t feel obligated to read ALL of the below text, I just wanted it out there for prospective owners and to help with our grieving process. I left out the many lessons learned that are well covered elsewhere and stuck to ones unique to our experience incase others are googleing those keywords.

And thanks for the years of support,
Pete and Ky


Goofus Pancake: Lessons Learned

I recently lost my best friend. After 11 years of sleeping in my shirt and pulling all-nighters with me, my little southern flying squirrel passed away. I learned SO MUCH from the people of this forum especially Dennis Quinter. Most of you have read these stories and many were stupid mistakes that I should not be advertising. But I was SO hungry for info on pet flyers 12 years ago that I feel I should contribute to the now expansive pool. I will not mention the core components diet, medicine, vitamins, cage, exercise etc. But will focus on the things that might have been missed or the things that will help me get over this very painful grieving process.

When I first learned of people with pet flying squirrels, people ‘taking’ wild animals as pets, I was appalled. I was a Wildlife Major at one of the Top Natural Resource Schools in the country. I KNEW it was wrong. How dare they put their selfish pet needs against the needs of a healthy ecosystem. But then I took the time to meet the humans owned by Flying Squirrels. There were a few bad apples but 99% were caring intelligent people who did not “take” squirrels from natural communities and could document pups came from many generations of captive born lineage. There were more flyers in the Whitehouse than birds. Native Americans had them as pets. Their (southerns) diet and habitat needs could be well simulated in a captive setting if not markedly improved. This is unlike the canned and bagged foods most pets get. Fresh fruits and veggies and insects… clearly a thinking person’s pet. And after several years of small mammal surveys where I had fallen in love with the magnificent flying squirrels we tagged I was smitten.
Lesson Learned:Not all regulations and opinions published by overly educated bureaucrats, professors and policy makers are right. Poorly written policies can hurt more than they help. I keep this in mind now that I am the bureaucrat and am finishing my PhD in Wildlife biology. Glaucomys volans are the GREATEST PETS EVER as long as we obtain them only from captive stock and ensure owners realize it is requires far more effort and thought than a cat or dog..

When my wife and I were expecting (a squirrel from Tammy Spears, not a human) we were nervous. We were both biologists. We could do the math. No way could a squirrel eat more than a small Tupperware of acorns in a year. Yet we spent 5 days picking 7 grocery bags of acorns in the park. We over built the cage. We bought a bunch of expensive gerbil toys which he never touched them (except the wheels). We calked, boarded and padded most the apartment. I hollowed out logs to act as natural nests each taking several weeks of carving. We sewed 12 pouches. We created travel cages with ball bearing running wheels, back up travel cages, Kevlar mesh pouches for emergencies, emergency phone lists, seat belted squirrel carriers….
Lesson Learned:don’t go overboard. they are pretty self sufficient and prefer natural toys (foliage, sticks, coconuts, fresh branches of leaves, sand, curtains) over expensive gerbil toys. They like wool hats more than carved logs. Don’t pick 7 bags of acorns in one year, the wild squirrels will go hungry.

I got Goofus Pancake on thanksgiving. He was accidentally named by my 3 year old twin cousins. One called him a ‘goofus,’ because he was clumsy and goofy looking with his huge head proportional to his body. The other said “he has pancakes under his arms” referring to the chocolate brown patagium. The name was only supposed to be a temporary baby name but he learned it so quick that to change it would have confused him. We tried calling him Coofus or just Pancake when his clumsiness turned into lightning fast ninja quickness but he will always be Goofus Pancake.
Lesson Learned:Don’t give baby names to an organism as fast, smart and noble as a southern flyer. Good thing goofus was hard to offend.

When we first got him he was small. So small I could make 2 fists and most people would not know what hand had a squirrel in it. But despite a brain about the size of a pecan half he was brilliant. Problem solving ability far greater than any dog, cat or ferret. I recall his second day in his BIG cage. It had barrel latches, you know, the usual brass cylinder with a knob sticking out 90degrees that is lifted, moved horizontally and lowered to lock and unlock. Goofus saw the contraption, grabbed the knob, locked and unlocked the mechanism. He than climbed to the door frame and stuck his noise in the eyelet that the cylinder locks into. After brief deduction he jumped to what would be the inside of the screen door and reached though the wire mesh to try to grab the barrel lock. He gave a “chirp” that translated to “Darn-it!!! I can’t reach it.” His logic was amazing for even a primate and here he was a small rodent. In the years that followed his cunning and problem solving got him into much trouble and never ceased to amaze my wife and I.
Lesson Learned:Smart… Very Smart.

The first couple times I reached into his hat he bit me. Only when first startled then he would come out, yawn, and be affectionate. I realized he would chirp whenever entering the hat. This made perfect evolutionary sense. He was warning others that he is entering and that he is a squirrel not a predator. But clearly this was innate and not learned. Amazing.
Lesson Learned:Make noise when you reach into a squirrel hat. A lot of squirrel behavior is genetic.

As a baby, he would piddle if you tickeld him and I would give him a bath. He would abide. Then he would dry off by going in my shirt as I sat next to the heater. We would sprawl out spread eagle as flat as he could and soak up the heat. Then flip over. Just like a pancake. As a baby I could do things that he eventually would not tolerate.
Lesson Learned:If I could go back in time I would have bathed him every week, checked his molars with a rubber tooth pick every week, weighed him every day, hold and palpate him every day…. These are things you have to do when the flyer is a baby and is an elderly squirrel. But in the many years of prime health we forget and the squirrel becomes unaccustomed to, making it difficult to assess teeth, obtain mass and inspect later in life.

The Pollyanna suggestions from many people on-line owning multiple types of pets who all love each other was encouraging. In hindsight they were flat out improbable. We would not have gotten goofus had we known the truth because my wife had a cat whom she loved. The cat tried very hard to eat the squirrel and the squirrel lived in fear. Once or twice pancake pissed on the cat through his cage. Bullseye! But mostly it was not a friendly relationship. After a year Ky selflessly gave her cat to her mother, both because her mom was lonely and the squirrel was much happier as an only child. She made a huge sacrifice for pancake. But more so me because Goofus imprinted mostly on me.
Lesson Learned:despite the stories of squirrels riding dogs like a cowboy. Despite people claiming the cat and the squirrel eat out of the same bowl. Even if they are separated by several doors at all times, squirrels CAN small cats, dogs, snakes and other predators and it stresses them out. They are most likely NOT compatible. If you had success count your blessings.

Ky was working in the food service field when Pancake was of imprinting age so she could not take him to work. This reduced his affinity for mom relative to dad. But he was pretty well socialized from coming to school every day. When we moved 2 years later we had no friends and I had a job in a chemistry lab (not compatible with squirrels). This lead to pancake being a real daddy’s boy as he lost that acceptance of most any human. Since Ky was excluded from carrying him in a pouch when young he was not as loving of her. In addition he saw Ky as competition or maybe a mate. He would always hump her hand if she petted hum below the head.
Lesson Learned:Have all family members commit to identical imprinting time. If periods of desocialization occurs because of incompatible jobs or having no friends it will be nearly imposable to get that friendliness back. If they hump you try not petting below the head.

I was told I had to teach him to fly. Not sure if that was true but as a hang glider pilot I figured it sounded fun. My friends and I held corners of a blanket and through him into it until he figured out terminal velocity is reduced when the patagium is stretched. After that he taught me how to fly. Banking around corners. Landing on our heads. We had very tall ceilings. He was amazing. My folks had a 2 story brick fireplace in the living room and he LOVED it. Easy to climb, lots of couches. This IS their niche.. But when we moved from an elevation of 600 feet MSL to an apartment with low ceilings at 6000 feet elevation he stopped flying. We realized this and quickly sought a house with 2 story open ceiling, but it was too late. We still practiced glorified jumps but not like we saw in that first apartment at sea level.
Lesson Learned:Thin air from the move to a height elevation and/or low ceilings may have played a role in decreased flight and maneuvers. Moving to an apartment with low ceilings exacerbated this loss of flight. You might not be able to re-teach that skill. This is a habitat requirement that needs to be accommodated.

It is unwise to let a squirrel run loose while you sleep as they cause trouble and you might crush them if they try to nap with you. But I would feel so bad ending playtime. I was a college student so I was almost nocturnal, but I have limits. I would stay up with him and accidentally doze off most nights. He came up with many ways to keep me awake. If on the couch he would jump from the tallest thing he could and land on my chest, then sniff in my ear. If laying on the floor (we didn’t own a bed, just a sleeping pad) he would employ tools. Yes, tools. He used tools often in his life. He would collect loose change. That was easy because Ky was a barista and always had tip money. He would line up the coins on the dresser above our floor mat like he was golfing at the driving range. He would fling the coins one at a time across the dresser top and onto us. After each one he assessed the success of the flings and would re-hone the next shoot. Like battle ship.
Lesson Learned: They use tools.

Often in the fall, we would be woken by the drumming of hard shelled nuts on plastic, wood and metal components of the cage. We eventually figured out he was trying to burry nuts in his not so earthy cage. We gave him a sandbox back in the beginning but he never used it. Same with all the expensive gerbil toys. But once we raised that sand above the bottom 3rd of the 6 foot cage he did use it. All night we would hear sand being thrown on the floor and into the heating ducts as he cached nuts.
Lesson Learned:You may think the sandbox would be more natural down low, but they only feel safe in the upper half of the cage, no matter how big. So anything down low is useless space. I strongly believe in very large and tall cages for this reason. Take the recommended volume and triple it. Also, they like potted plants more than sand if you trust the sterility of the non-toxic potted plant.

Those first few years Goofus Pancake and I would pull all nighters because I was a college student and he was nocturnal. I would return from going to the bathroom to find all my pens, pencils and highlighters gone. The first few times I figured it was my entropy. But after all the highlighters and pens went missing I figured it out. Pancake was jealous of the pencils and was hiding them when I left the room. “Pet me, not the pencils!!!”
Lesson Learned: So cute you feel bad calling them manipulative, but they clearly own their owners. And their owners should devote at least a couple all nighters a week to keep them socialized, something I neglected as I aged.

He would hide lots of things. Mostly food. Once he found a bottle of Tums in my school bag. I was a worrier so Tums came in handy in school before tests. I found Tums in every little corner of that old apartment. But he liked doing it so I would often add pots of soil or little boxes to the room and to his cage to let him cache stuff. Mostly brazil nuts because he was slowed by the hard shell. Then I would steal them back the next night. I think it was Shelly Dubay, a well published Glaucomys expert who told me they can not count so I would often reduce his cache of nuts to ensure he ate vegetables, then reuse the nuts to encourage the sport of caching after he met his veggie quota for the week.
Lesson Learned:Squirrels cache stuff and are happier when they have a big cache, but you often have to reduce it to ensure they eat their fresh veggies every day. Totally removing nuts and giving only health foods that were neglected the previous week works well, but remember to return the nuts the next day. This also works well when you need to push lots of calcium with yogurt.

Random Lesson Learned:If your squirrel is not eating yogurt every night try switching to “cream on top” or “Whole Milk” yogurt. We like Brown Cow, or Horizon. These are fatter and taste better and have undisturbed cultures. Pancake liked vanilla best and we always put his Avitron vitamin drops in the yogurt.

He never played with those expensive gerbil toys. But once the metal wheel was HUNG from the cage ceiling it was his favorite. This was before the ergonomic rodent wheels of today. Stay away from the metal ones, they break tails. But back then it was all we had. After about 200,000 miles were put on that rodent wheel it started squeaking. We couldn’t sleep. Finally one night I sprayed some olive oil pam on it. Fixed the problem. But this lead to a viscous cycle of Goofus licking oil and trying to make it squeak so he got more yummy oil to lick. He thought it was a game.
Lesson Learned: They ARE manipulative

We made him a run to replace the unsafe squeaky metal rodent wheel. It was a green plastic rain gutter spout connecting the cage to an 8’ PVC fence post laying horizontally on a bookshelf. We put a long wire mesh window in it to watch him run back and forth all night. We would add enrichment like slack lines, balls, nuts, sticks. Even after ergonomic exercise wheels became available running in the run was a common activity.
Lesson Learned:squirrels need more than just a cage, horizontal run space in addition to a wheel is optimal. Vertical space is handy as described below.

We purchased a two story house so Goofus could fly from the upstairs railing to the couch below. But in doing so we were no longer sleeping in the same room as the bedroom was upstairs. No way could we get that cage up a spiral stair case. This led to frequent alarm calls. One every night. He would chirp until we got out of bed and came down to show him we were ok. He was worried about us. So we built an additional run that went vertically to the upstairs bedroom. Maybe it should be called a “climb.” It also had wire mesh windows and a little observation tower on top. Inside was a long, 10’ tree branch. He no loner did the alarm call because he would just climb up and check on us every night.
Lesson Learned: they are small but they have a big heart and can be very parental. Make sure you sleep in the room where they play or that they can check on you. This might sound demanding but this is a thinking person’s pet. Think up a way to make it work. The tower idea also had the benefit of allowing him to be noisy downstairs but quiet when he visited us.

Random Lesson Learned:When we took long vacations Pancake had baby sitters who tried to get him to come out and play at late hours. Good Friends. Having NPR or a non-bigoted talk radio program come on for an hour or 2 a day might have made him feel less lonely.

He did do the alarm call when he saw mice in the house, when we saw moths he wanted to hunt (he loved hunting moths) or he saw a human intruder break into the house. OK it wasn’t that bad. A former high school student of mine broke up with his girlfriend and went for a run to blow off steam. A 10 mile run at 2am. He got tired and remembered I lived nearby so he opened the door and crashed on my couch. The squirrel threw a fit. When I figured out what he was trying to tell me I grabbed my nunchucks and ran downstairs. Luckily Ashton made his presence known before I hit him. Good kid. Good watch dog.
Lesson Learned:Lock your doors.

Random Lesson Learned:I would advise against feeding any wild insects especially crickets and grasshoppers as they harbor parasites. But there are some moths that I feel safe feeding him. I have drilled many well published entomologists on this topic and spent a lot of time learning my moths. I think Moths are a much bigger source of food for wild flyers than we think. Goofus learned to stand on my hand (or head) and look on the wall for moths. When he jumped at one it was my job to catch him. He loved that game.

When he was 1, I sat down with a big bowl of ice-cream. Bad idea. Goofus jumped from across the room and landed in the bow and held on with all his might trying to scare me away from his gigantic bowl of heavenly fatty sweat goodness.
Lesson Learned:Cage the squirrel when eating ice cream, avocados and peanut butter.

When the first winter set in I would take Pancake to school. It was cold enough to ensure he would not leave my person outdoors. 4’ of snow and -30F. But indoors I had to squirrel proof some labs until I trusted his behavior. He eventually came with me everywhere, cage free. I do not recommend this to anyone. But, it made school possible. See, I am a stress ball. I have VERY high blood pressure during school. But take it during summer break and I am below normal. I lived in fear throughout most my schooling as a child and more so in college. My physician ran tests. BP with squirrel and BP petting the squirrel. NO DOUBT Goofus calmed me down and gave me the strength to keep working.
Lesson Learned:Knowing that you are the world to someone as wonderful as a flyer reminds your sympathetic nervous system that getting an F is nothing compared to love of a squirrel. It puts things in perspective.

Speaking of F’s. I was taking a final exam in a plant taxonomy class. We had to silently walk around a circuit and identify the unmarked specimens. No talking. Keep 5 feet between you and the next person. Very formal. So quiet the pencils writing of latin names seamed loud. Then I felt something. Was Goofus in my pocket? Is that the pocket with the treats? “HEY GIVE ME THOSE PECONS YOU LITTLE JERK” I yelled at the top of my lungs “NO NO NO NO NO MINE MINE MINE” Goofus chirped at the top of his lungs. ….“ooops….sorry” Luckily Dr. Robert Freckmann, my idle during my last years of school, took pity on me and docked no points. Likely because he was as eccentric as I and respected having small rodents on your person. What a cool guy.
Lesson Learned:Keep the treats in a backpack or in the external pockets of cargo pants or a jacket.

In a school of granolas and hippies the guy with a squirrel in his shirt is loved and appreciated. Even by faculty. It was great. Goofus was well socialized and would go to anyone’s shirt if told to. So much that one day I was talking to an acquaintance and pancake sure liked the look of that guy’s big puffy down jacket. I bet it is warm, pancake thought. So he just jumped over and plopped in. Thank goodness the guy had the mental fortitude to spread eagle. Speared eagle and had a look of shock on his face. Most would have swatted the attaching rodent. I owe him.
Lesson Learned:TOO much socialization can be bad.

It is perfectly acceptable to have a rodent in your shirt if you are a biology and natural resource major. In fact it is an asset. I would be paged when school groups visited. I had beautiful women letting me fish squirrels out of their shirts. But if that wildlife major takes a political science class things change. It was a hot room and I didn’t realize Goofus was crawling on my back under a long sleeve t-shirt. The humanities major behind me saw this moving lump on my back. She jumped up, desk went flying, screamed, and continued to scream all the way down to the first floor. She crossed the street and looked up as if the building was on fire. After a long pause the prof said nothing about the random lady screaming and running out of the building. He just went back to lecturing.
Lesson Learned: Some people are afraid of rodents even when they think it is just a huge pulsating growth on your back. Mostly English and Humanities majors.

When Goofus was about 4 we were living in a little farm house out in the country. I heard an owl off in the distance one night. I tried to call in the owl in from the kitchen window, I do a pretty good owl call. Goofus FREAKED OUT. But how? How could he know what that call was? He has NEVER heard an owl before? He Chirped and Chirped and Chirped for 45 minutes. Took a drink to wet his horse vocal chords and continued with the alarm call for another 30... We tried to get him to chill out. Finally, Ky, now in Veterinary school said “he wants us to hide in his hat.” “huh?” “He is trying to get us to go in his hat so we will not be eaten by the owl” I thought that was ridicules but he DID think he was a human so he has no understanding of size so maybe he DID think we could fit in the stalking cap Goofus slept in. So we wrapped a blanket around the cage and huddled next to it. This was as close to being in the hat as we could be. He looked at us said “close enough” and hid in his hat for the rest of the night.
Lesson Learned: Goofus Pancake would risk his life to save us from the owl. Altruism has been an enigma to many ecologists. And the fact that recognition of an owl call could be genetic is more so. But he clearly showed, in that act of bravery, that he loved us and considered us his family. We were honored.

I recall my family babysitting while Ky and I went on vacation. Goofus escaped his travel cage that was in a WELL squirrel proofed sewing room. He did this with several cages and in every case we could not figure out how. Houdini squirrel. Anyway. My family yelled and ran around and called him. Turned over furniture, opened boxes, looked in air vents, extended the search to the rest of the basement…. No luck. They could only call him by name. They could not make the chirp noise that I trained him to come to. Finally after exhaustion she sat down on the floor and looked up. There was goofus pancake, in the pocket of wall organizer watching all the commotion.
Lesson Learned:I should have chosen a call that anyone can do. Trained him to associate it with food and practiced it with many other people. Instead I trained him to come to a chiping noise only I could make. I would puff air in my checks and make a chirp chirp call like a territorial fox squirrel by rapping on it. Very squirrel sounding, but not useful.

My sister Annie loved that squirrel but for one evening she despised that squirrel. I was late attending her high school play. It was a 4 hour drive and I was going to miss the beginning if I drove to my parents’ house to drop off the squirrel and cage. But it was too cold to leave him in the car. So we put him in the pouch and agreed to take him home at intermission. It was only 5pm and he sleeps to 9 normally 10pm. IF, and it would be a rare IF, he wakes up I will run him out to the car and drive him home. He has never escaped from his pouch when the draw chord was tied tight. Most of you are shaking your head NO right now. But yes, I was naive and overly confident in the “time” but “darkness” is what matters. We took him in and sat down. He somehow could sense the presence of the world’s largest curtains. All squirrels like curtains. He could also sense my fear of him getting out. So he covertly ate through the drawstring and took off for the curtains. A Southern Flying squirrel is quite small. Only 8-10 cm long plus a 7 cm tail. But up on a black curtain, with the spotlights on him he looked HUGE. GIANT. People Stood up and pointed. People yelled “it’s a bat” The kids on stage had no idea why the crowd was freaking out. I b-lined to the catwalk and did the call. Goofus was having the time of his life jumping from curtain to curtain to rod to rope. He returned to me because I was doing the “I got a pecan” call and I quickly drove him home. Now that I know he was safe, I have to admit that was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. The next day in the grocery store I heard people gossiping that my family (known for practical jokes) released 5 monkeys into the school to spoil the play.
Lesson Learned:That was just stupid. No pouch or even cage would stop a Houdini squirrel from playing on those curtains. That was very stupid of me. But freaking hilarious.

Goofus was too ornery in his old age to let us inspect his molars. We guessed he was loosing molars as his incisors were healthy but he was eating soft fruits more than nut and hard vegetables. In hindsight I should have given more omega fatty acid oils (just a drop on his plate one a week) and found a way to deliver glucoseamine.

I would like to say that the lessons learned were about ecology, ethology and mammalian development. About what is innate and what is learned behavior. About the benefits of biodiversity, blah blah blah. But that would be me hiding behind the agnostic façade of a scientist. Goofus Pancake taught me to love and to accept love. As a child I remember being frustrated with the family dog always happy to see me upon my arrival home from school. I hated school, it was miserable, stressful and full of rules and coldness, I was almost angry that any animal could be so happy when I was so miserable. But, it was us, his humans, that he was so happy to see. Being mean to the dog because he was happy to see me was not a healthy response, but it goes to show how miserable some of our youth are in traditional schools. Goofus Pancake would fly to his cage door upon my arrival home from work every afternoon. His little white belly and huge nocturnal eyes asking to jump in my shirt. He loved me and I loved him, like I should have loved the family dog when I was 13. Just as he would sound alarm calls while I was sleeping to ensure I was ok, I would check on him every day and pet the little furball in his warm sleeping hat. He was the world to me and he showed me that I was the world to him. There is clearly a special bond when an animal imprints on you, especially when that animal resides in your shirt everyday and has more character and smarts than most humans.
It hurts real bad to no longer have my little buddy. Not only does it hurt to loose him but it was also painful to see him die. I can’t say the following is a lesson learned as it is consistent with many small mammal species. I am presenting it here to help other recognize the signs and understand why it occurs.
Evolutionarily it makes sense that organisms, just before death, will leave the nest. This avoids a rotting corpse and avoids attracting predators and scavengers. Goofus became fidgety the night he died, tried to leave his cage and eventually the house despite me holding him tight. If you experience this do not take it personally. He eventually gave up and died in my hands. Pancake lost his motor skills and began decorticate then decerebrate posturing and then he passed away. I think his passing would have been less stressful for him had I remained calm. Instead I wailed and pleaded that he not go. I tell this rather gross story in hopes that future FS owners will notice the signs and calmly caress their little squirrels instead of acting irrational making a sad situation very stressful as I did.
It would be easy to avoid these losses of loved ones by not building relationships. But I would have missed out on all the naps, all the play sessions and adventures with Pancake, even the ones that got me in trouble or risked his safety. He made life so unique and interesting. I think everyone should see the pinnacle of cuteness that is a flying squirrel yawning before they die and I got to see it almost daily. I think realizing what is innate and what is learned has made me a better scientist and definitely put the marvel back into genetics. Most importantly the lowering of blood pressure and stress I experienced always having a soft little friend that was on my side of the battle through modern life was priceless. I had an MD in College who secretly measured my BP on days with and without the squirrel or before and after petting him, a clearly a significant difference was observed (p<0.0001). Pancake in many ways relieved that stress, misery and angst I felt about school and allowed me to enjoy the opportunity. So much that I am now a teacher. Goofus Panacake gave me many gifts that outweigh the pain of loosing him.
Now, several months after his death it is clear I want another squirrel. Really, I want him back but that is not possible. I fear the next 4 years as I Finish my PhD, not having a little squirrel to help me deal with stress, write papers, and study for comprehensive exams. So boring, not having a little furball to help me pull all-nighters. We might have to live abroad in the years that follow my schooling, or live on a boat, so unfortunately we can not get a baby squirrel. They live 10-15 years. Adopting an old squirrel or babysitting (<5years) a squirrel would be nice but typically flyers cuddle and trust the ones they imprint on most. Perhaps in 20 years, if I live in the states and don’t live on a boat, I could make the long term commitment again but perhaps I am getting too old to pull all-nighters? Could I really devote the same time to it? I doubt that I will ever have that type of love again.

We miss you Goofus Pancake.

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