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Date Posted: 09:25:57 11/23/11 Wed
Author: ky and pete
Author Host/IP: dsl-205-20.dynamic-dsl.frii.net /
Subject: Former FS owners seek 1-4 year 'Squirrel Sitting' gig or late age adoption

We recently lost our little flying squirrel who was our best friend, and for many years our only fiend. As the months go by we realize how much Goofus Pancake added to our life. We can not fairly adopt a baby FS because we will be moving in 4-5 years, possibly abroad. But we know we will be in the states for at least 4 years while Pete finishes his PhD.

We want a long term sitting gig / foster assignment of 1-4 years
If you are a flyer owner who joined the military or peace corp, got transferred and can't bring the squirrel...or are in some situation where you need someone to take your FS for 1 to 4 years, maybe 5, please let us know. We are lonely.

Sitting Staff: Ky is a veterinarian with exotics experience and a MS in public health. Pete has undergraduate and graduate degrees in wildlife biology. We both have >11 years of pet flying squirrel care experience and many more working with other rodents including wild flyers (when lucky).
Accommodations: include a 6'x2.5'x2.5' cage with ergonomic bearinged wheel, weekly change of enrichment and foliage, hollowed out logs, lots of coconuts and hats. Cage has >20 feet of external tubes and runs and towers that allow the squirrel to visit us at night on the second story and allow for running and climbing. Human house has extensive built in habitat, jumping launches, raised ceilings, ropes, and lots of nut caching places. VERY FUN CURTAINS and stairs for climbing. Sandbox. All Squirrel safe-a-fyed rooms. Never used poisons or kill traps.
Cuisine: Since the human staff are very healthy vegetarians there is typically 4-6 vegetables, 2 fruits and 2-4 beans on the salad bar each night plus the extra squirrel specific produce. We use only the finest organic cream on top vanilla yogurt and vitamin supplements of your choice. The house tempeh and meal worms and moths are mouthwatering. The human staff pick seasonal nuts and flower blossoms every couple days.
Entertainment: well just public radio really... But we play lots of games like "find the nuts" "jump on the human's head" "sleep in the shirt" and everyone's favorite "hide and go seek in the underwear drawer"
NightLife: Pete is finishing his PhD so he stays up late m ost nights to study while playing with the squirrel.

Fine Print: obviously this would need to be talked over and we would have to make sure that all parties are in agreement about care, duration and backup plan, emergency procedures, etc. Obviously there is no charge but we would like to work out financial issues for emergencies. We will not take a squirrel if it does not happily come to humans, allow humans to rub cheeks and head, and sleep in shirts or pouches. We realize they are skiddish with strangers at first and will have to work out a long getting to know you visit or something.

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