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Date Posted: 19:30:07 02/19/07 Mon
Author: S. K. Dixon
Author Host/IP: cache-mtc-ae12.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Re: The vet who x-rayed my flyer just wet a wash cloth and laid it over him.
In reply to: Becca 's message, "Re: The vet who x-rayed my flyer just wet a wash cloth and laid it over him." on 08:55:31 02/19/07 Mon

Hope your baby shows some improvement each day, Becca; even little bits of improvement are encouraging. I, too, share your concern about the Vitamins and D3 dosage, but you are following the vet's directions and he is the expert. I know you were just happy to find one who would treat your baby. Is he experienced with exotics, do you know? As to the pouch, Dennis is right--depends on the ease with which you can get the baby in and out--definitely needs no pulling or tugging right now and whether she likes to be in it or not. Keep that stress level as low as possible. You are really doing your best, Becca; hang in there.

>I feel a little redundant, but thank you all so much
>for your kind words and advice. :)
>I have been able to get her to eat some Dannon all
>natural blueberry yogurt off my finger (I just keep
>re-dipping the finger and letting her eat what she
>like). I bought some broccoli and kale last night and
>will try doctoring it to see if I can get her to eat
>She's sitting really strangely these days, I think
>because she hurts so much - she sits with her lower
>back and hips completely folded under her, instead of
>on her rear end. It's sad to see her like this, so I'm
>really hoping the vitamins and prednisone will help.
>Today is day 3 of the cocktail. I'm concerned about
>over-dosing her on the Vitamin D3, though. The
>directions on the box indicate that a drop is 0.05mL,
>so 3 drops would be 0.15mL and that's what I'm giving
>her 3 times per day right now. The vet seemed to think
>that was ok, but it all makes me really nervous.
>Do you think she would enjoy it if I put her in her
>bonding pouch and kept her under my shirt when I'm at
>home and she's sleepy? I want her to feel loved and
>comforted while she's recovering. I have to get her
>out to dose her in the late afternoon and then again
>twice in the early and late evening, so I thought
>maybe keeping her in the pouch from late afternoon
>until I go to bed might be kinder than having to fish
>her out of the nest box three times (afternoon vits,
>evening prednisone, late evening vits - the only time
>she gets both together is in the early morning).
>Fortunatley after tonight the evening prednisone dose
>goes away and she only gets that in the am with the
>vits at the same time.
>To answer Agnes's question - the reason I thought it
>was too cold in the house is because it feels somewhat
>chilly to me (the heat isn't great in the cold winter
>weather and we have sky lights and a big glass door on
>one wall, so I wear a sweatshirt/sweater and keep a
>blanket on my legs), and she's so tiny - I didn't know
>if she'd feel warm enough. I'm not a flyer, so I don't
>know how warm her fur coat keeps her!

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