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Date Posted: 06:23:31 02/21/07 Wed
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: unio-cas1-cs-4.dial.bright.net /
Subject: Re: Flyer Emergency!
In reply to: S. Patterson 's message, "Re: Flyer Emergency!" on 14:54:38 02/19/07 Mon

My first thought would be offering both plain water and
treated water or alternate more often with plain water
most often. If treated water is the only water for a week
at a time, It is similar to being force fed the supplement
and even with low doses it could overdose.
I agree giving the foods with calcium and D2 can be hit
or miss but it also gives them the oportunity to eat more
or less as needed or none. I think they naturally crave
foods they need or they would never get everything they
need in the wild. I don't think they get all the natural
vitamins, minerals, and protein in the wild by accident.

Nonda's $0.02 abbreviated:

I think he is giving too much but it doesn't sound bad, but
because of the D3 only 3 times a week at MOST. Flyers would
tox out on D3 easier than the others because of their small
size alone.

I'm still a firm believer in good UVB lights, lets them regulate their D3 intake.

Multi vits, what do they really need and how much? We don't have a clue. Rodent vits are a catchall and if you look at the difference in requirements of pocket pets, mice, rats, gps all all over the map, and those figures we have.

There isn't a vet med book I know of that doesn't specifically say that if you are giving ANY mammal D3 as a supplement that blood levels should be monitored......So it isn't quite as simple as one would think.

Just my humble 02:-)

>A super-varied diet that includes mushrooms and
>brassica veggies will often be enough. However, flyers
>being flyers, it is virtually impossible to
>measure/quantify their indivudual uptake. For example,
>unless you physically watch them eat their (very well
>washed or organic) broccoli, you have no way of
>knowing if they ate any, or how much they ate, because
>if it is missing from their veggie bowl in the
>morning, it could have been stashed somewhere, or just
>eaten by one squirrel (if you have more than one). Do
>not feed them spinach, as the calcium forms as calcium
>oxalate and will not provide bioavailable calcium. A
>cuttle bone is not very useful either, as you have no
>way of measuring intake.
>Liquid vitamins are nowhere near as stable and
>quantifiable as powdered product. Powdered product is
>always superior to liquid. Try to buy a powdered
>rodent multivitamin and keep it in the fridge.
>We used to provide a smattering of fruit jam mixed
>with limestone flour as a "calcium side dish" for our
>northern and southern every week, but we have since
>found a much better solution, as we had no way of
>monitoring uptake. We now use a powdered calcium/D3
>supplement that dissolves in water called Calciboost
>Powder. It is meant for birds, but elemental
>bioavailable calcium is, well, elemental bioavailable
>calcium. It also has D3 in it. It is the only
>dissolvable powdered calcium supplement I know of. You
>can get liquid calcium supplements but these are in
>suspension, not dissolved. The squirrels do not get
>their calcium supplement 24/7, however. We do not want
>to provide TOO much calcium, and for that matter, TOO
>many vitamins. So, we alternate - one week of powdered
>calcium/D3 supplement in their purified drinking
>water, followed by one week of powedered multivitamins
>in their purified drinking water, and so on.
>From what Nonda Surratt has said, often by the time
>one notices MBD it is too late. Good luck with your
>flyer and let us know how it turns out.

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