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Date Posted: 09:00:17 01/10/02 Thu
Author: Socrates13
Author Host/IP: spider-tk053.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Vacuuous Christmas

Now that the Christmas Holiday has passed, the non-Christian world is facing a truly empty feeling. Most of the trees and decorations are gone, gone are the expensive gifts purchased in a vain attempt to keep up with the Christmas spirit. The booze bottled are capped from the many drunken parties held this past year. The wrappings that graced the floors of many homes are wadded up and long hauled away by the trash man. All that remains are the many bills left from overbuying and the empty feelings of where do we go from here.

I thank God that I worship the second member of the trinity, who was incarned and carried by Mary the Virgin and conceived by the Holy Spirit. Born in a stable, without gifts and adored by humble, working shepherds. God became a human, suffered, died, rose again, conquered death and appeased the wrath of God against human sin and seperation from God, ascended into heaven and will come again to judge the living and the dead and ever lives to make intercession for those who serve Him as disciples. That's a Christmas message that fills me with hope 365 days year. It never goes out of fashion, doesn't rust and brings meaning and satsifaction to my life. May the true Joy of Advent always be with us and give hope to the hopeless pagans who overspent this year and were carried away captive by the Christmas spirit. Praise God for the Spirit of Christ!

Socrates 13

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