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Date Posted: 17:42:06 01/14/02 Mon
Author: Socrates13
Author Host/IP: spider-wk024.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Jeepers Creepers - A Review

I viewed the movie Jeepers Creepers this past weekend. I would like to offer some thoughts about the movie's content. The villian in this movie is a cryptic demonic creature who hunts for body parts of human victims that it might devour in order to function amoung the human population. It dresses as a man, masking its true identity until later it is confronted by a brother and sister team. The concept of such a being walking the earth seems quite interesting and by the end of the movie you find out this is the legendary boogie man of lore. Some subtle messages lie underneath this movie. First, the demons home base is an abandoned church. The hero's radio brings in a constant barrage of radio preachers who are tuned off with a knob. The church from which the demon operates is boarded up and abandoned. The broken cross on the roof is the only reminder of what this building was used for. The entire building is covered with ravens who are symbols for the spirit of death. The message I gathered from this portion of the movie is that evil is stronger than Christ. The church was abandoned and is now used as operating base for a blood thirsty demon. Strike one. Next, the plot moves in true nihlistic fashion. The stars of the movie are victims to a dark force that will not be killed and seemingly cannot be resisted. Such a nihlistic theme runs through much of modern horror films such as Friday 13, Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street. The stars of these films are also victims of dark forces that destroy and will not be killed. The demon in this films follows this classic pattern. Mark my words, we will probably see a sequel to this film as the demon will not be killed. Strike Two. The only one who seems to have any spiritual sense is an old lady who had prophetic dreams and tries to warn the stars of the film about what is going on. When she confronts the demon in the film she prays the Lord's prayer which convinces the demon to move on to easier prey. This seems to be the movie's one redeeming point.

The movie did make me ponder some of John's past research about the existence of vampires and that entire legend. I kept pondering the foolish attempts of the humans in the film to shoot this demon and failing and not seeking the true source of victory over demonic forces; the Lord Jesus Christ. From the stand point of waking people up to reality of demonic entities I give it good grades, but it fails miserably to take up the Christian perspective.


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