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Date Posted: 11:19:47 11/13/01 Tue
Author: Penance
Author Host/IP: nonequi.werner.com /
Subject: Re: I'll Start
In reply to: John 's message, "I'll Start" on 09:42:59 11/12/01 Mon

You have run into LeVay Satanists. A good majority of them do not believe in Satan(*lucifer, the devil, etc *), they do not believe in God, they are essentially humanists. A good portion of them are simply reacting to hypocrisy and/or abuse and/or hellfire and brimstone teachers. It is not actually a tough logic to crack for most of them, however to prove that love of Christ is something they need, they first have to be shown that what most christians practice and/or believe and Christianity are two seperate things, and that while statements like I am not perfect simply a christian carries with it volumes of information to you, to them it is likely seen as an excuse for the times you are incorrect or judgemental or whatever. Also your answers have to be directed to everyone, yet not really to anyone, yet answer a particular individuals need, yet not stop on anyone's toes, or the part of your message that does will be a catalyst for something to be attached to, and from that simple attachment they will likely add heaps and heaps of insults and cancel out any meaningful discusion that you planned on actually having.

Also as a rule they probably don't believe in spirits or demons either, but once again this will depend on who you are talking to, some will, some won't

As far as your re-instatement ...
(* Direct quote from the site admin *)
good Dakindas, my apologies for lifting the ban, let us hope that my mercy doesnt bite me on the hiney. in all of my life, I can only pinpoint perhaps one or two christians that could debate with any semblance of articulate thought, yet I still feel that somewhere, out there, there are more. I, for one, would like to get to the bottom of this shit and learn just what ingrained pathos is responsible for such a de-evolutionary thought process. we all know you dont have to be "smart" to not believe in babyjesus, so I dont think mere stupidity is the cause. christianity isnt even the illness itself, it just seems to be an extremely effective strain. why is the majority of humanity dependant on religion to get them through the night??? thats a BIG question, and one we rarely touch upon here.

no, I really dont think this weeks pet christian monkey will break any molds and suprise us with his/her brilliance, but still...audacity counts for something, and theres always lines between lines.

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