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Date Posted: 17:01:34 11/13/01 Tue
Author: John
Author Host/IP: HSE-Toronto-ppp182828.sympatico.ca /
Subject: Also
In reply to: Penance 's message, "Re: I'll Start" on 11:19:47 11/13/01 Tue

And just because they are not gothic satanists doesn't mean they are merely humanists, either.

Their forum is broken into many sections; I had to use the general discussion section to give them the least ground to kick me off (they are strict about using the wrong sections, set out in their rules).

Consider this post on their "Satanic Witchery" section, by a recognized member who made around 200 posts last year:

"Magic cannot take control of you and there is no three fold law. Go back to your local bookstore where you can purchase the latest New Age crap and pick up _The Satanic Witch_ as well as _The Satanic Bible_. Avoid all the other crap and quite preaching to people about your silly ideas of a Karmic reality and other such nonsense.

i've killed more than one moron with magic and I'm alive a kickin. If there was a three fold law and would most certainly be dead by now, among other worse punishments.

As far as the three fold law coming into play when you die (as in an afterlife or reincarnation), in the most scientific studies of afterlife or near death experiences the majority of people (that's nearly no one) say nothing of punishment after death.
Please do not give advice on magic until you know what you're talking about. Drop me an e-mail when you can kill a person with your mind alone in a matter of just a few months."

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