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Date Posted: 01:24:47 11/23/01 Fri
Author: F.O.R
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: Hi guys,isnt this AFGHAN thing really just revenge though?
In reply to: PAUL. 's message, "Hi guys,isnt this AFGHAN thing really just revenge though?" on 19:54:48 11/22/01 Thu

Personally, I beleive this is more self preservation than revenge. If we let this attack go, they will simply strike again, they declared war on us. They wanted a war, they are getting one. Does this make us just? I don't think it does. War is an ugly necessity in this world sometimes, sad as that is. That's why some of us here feel there isn't much in this world we have fear of losing. With all that goes on in the world today, there isn't much to miss when your gone. There is no other solution to this, they wouldn't hand over Bin Laden, they may as well start bombing us themselves. Innocent lives are going to be lost, not-so innocent lves will be lost as well, there is little righteous about such acts. Unfortunately it is a necessity if we wish to survive. No man is without sin, no mortal man can be, it's partially our own imperfections, and also the tainted world we live in. That to a large degree is our fault as well. I wish there was an alternative to war, I really do. I'm sure God is none to happy with war either. The fact remains, if America doesn't defend itself, then it's anyones for the taking. Quite a few Afghanistan people believe wholeheartedly that America got what it deserved. Many of them, also only know what they are told. In a nation that coerces you from birth to conform or die, they may think their right. If their leaders told them the earth was flat, they might believe that too. As a matter of fact if their leaders said that was the truth, and one of them argued otherwise, they would probably be killed. Their bloodthirst doesn't fit well with their faith. Furthermore, I can't trust a person who's faith was coerced into them. Free will or freedom isn't a gift to be stripped from someone. Not by any means. God bless, and thank you for posting.


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