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Subject: Re: My Boyfriend Can't Accept His Dyslexia-- Help!

Lyndell (theres hopeI red)
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Date Posted: 16:53:07 01/20/10 Wed
In reply to: Jen 's message, "My Boyfriend Can't Accept His Dyslexia-- Help!" on 22:03:37 01/19/10 Tue

I read what you had too say. I think there is hope for him and you. what i see from what i read is that you love him very much and whant the best for him thats what love is about and he loves you. that so good if i was you all i would try too at this time is just reashore him that you love him for who he is and that he loves you and I belive thats what he needs too know he what and need for who he is and what he has too give we all need this. I having and are dexlic all my live surva as a child and have impored some i dont dought his sister or what you found out but hes been through a lot because off it.dont give up hope when he come too know he loved for who and what he can do thats what he longs for after people trying to what he could see as trying too make him right the same as others. I know that people where and are trying too help life bee easer for him that may not bee how he has understood it it no ones fault But at this time he needs too know you and other loved and accept him for who he is now then some off the hurt he suffered will lose it hold then and only then would he bee able to seek help again and it would and could only happen because he feels safe and love acepeted an in his timing only for the longing too recive help has too come from him, or he would interprate it has not been aceppected. So YOu just giving him the love he whats and needs from you at this time is so so important for the now and the furture and it can and should only bee because off the love you have for him and can give him. thats true love and it only love that can help the damaged thats happend iam not saying you and his sister are not whating the best for him it how he can recive it thats impoetant now.not stop beliving that theres help for him or whanting it. just keep beliving and loving him. thats wehat he longs for even though hes been hurt by you finding out. He still what your.That ssays so much too me.and when he knows this he will bee able too for give his sister because he know he loved for himselfe and that the healing he needs and longs for. Then if its right for some reason in the frurte he will recive the help that would make life easy for him and that what love is about .

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[> Subject: Re: My Boyfriend Can't Accept His Dyslexia-- Help!

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Date Posted: 23:04:54 01/20/10 Wed

I understand how your boyfriend feels. For years I was embarrassed about being dyslexic. I am beginning to feel better about myself because of all the recent research that has been appearing in magazines,newspapers and the internet about dyslexia.

Your boyfriend should understand that his dyslexia has nothing to do with his intelligence. Many well known people have dyslexia. Cher, Tom Cruise, Goldie Hawn,Bruce Jenner, Whoopi Goldberg, Henry Winkler, Guy Richie, Magic Johnson, Andy Warhol, George Patton, Nelson Rockefeller, Woodrow Wilson, Charles Schwab are just to name a few. Read the article "The Dyslexic CEO" by Betsy Morris which appeared in the May, 2002 issue of Fortune magazine and "Tracing Business Acumen to Dyslexia by Brent Bowers which appeared in the Dec. 6, 2007 issues of the New York Times. I got it on line at the NY Times website. Tell his sister about these people.

Your boyfriend needs counseling. He needs to feel good about himself. It took a long time for me to feel good about myself. How old is he? Does he work? Does he like his job?

Your boyfriend is very lucky to have you for his girlfriend because you sound like an intelligent person who is warm-loving and understanding. You probably can help him.

Please do not tell anyone about his dyslexia. If he wants anyone to know, let it come from him. Tell him you love him and he can trust you. Good luck.
[> [> Subject: Re: My Boyfriend Can't Accept His Dyslexia-- Help!

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Date Posted: 14:59:15 01/21/10 Thu

Thanks so much for the article information- I was really surprised (and delighted) to read about all the successful entrepreneurs out there! John (my boyfriend) has even talked about starting his own business one day. His skills and interests really seem to correlate with a lot of successful dyslexics.

He's currently managing six people, and at 25, is the youngest foreman within his company. He accomplished all of this without completing his college degree (he's planning to finish). His employees all love him and he enjoys his position. I mention these facts to him repeatedly, but to no avail. I think he just has this intense stigma about his condition and has felt shame for so long, he's never considered doing any research or asking a professional about it.

I sent him the New York Times article and I really hope he reads it. I'm hoping that by "talking" about it through email first, and not mentioning it in person, I can ease him into the subject, maybe even open his eyes a little. (I thought of this after reading the articles you mentioned.)

Knowing how smart he is, I'm hopeful that he will realize some truths about his Dyslexia and gain a little more self confidence.

I'm doing my own research, but I would love to read anymore articles you may have.

Thanks again:)
[> [> [> Subject: Re: My Boyfriend Can't Accept His Dyslexia-- Help!

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Date Posted: 20:34:49 01/22/10 Fri

Hi, Jen. Your boyfriend sounds like a great guy with lots of potential. He is only 25 and has people working under him. He has leadership qualities. Unfortunately he sounds like he is in denial. For him to feel good about himself, he must accept his dyslexia but also understand that he is smart not stupid. In fact, there is a book called Smart But Feeling Dumb by Dr. Harold Levinson. I read his book and found myself in so many of his examples of people with dyslexia. I have another article that you would enjoy reading. Go to a search engine like google and type: Successful careers: The secrets of Adults with Dyslexia by Rosaline P. Fink. Also type in Ben Foss and intel. Ben is a dyslexic who works at intel. He and his colleagues at Intel designed a digital camera that reads words. It is like a Sony reader. Ben gives a demonstration on how the camera works. I am going to write to you again. Bye for now.

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