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Subject: Wondering if I might be mildly dyslexic

Kristin (Confused)
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Date Posted: 23:19:18 02/28/12 Tue

Hello all. I've been reading about dyslexia and wondering if I might have some mild symptoms. I'm a decent speller and I excelled at reading and writing. I'll get mixed up on when an "i" is before or after an "e", but that's it. So I thought I was probably fine.

But, numbers get me. I'll see numbers in the wrong sequence, like reading 1962 as 1926. It'll happen for a split second and then I'll see it in the right order, but this happens to me a lot. I always got C's and D's in math and geometry was the only math that made some sense to me.

I was reading that mixing up right and left was common, having trouble telling time and reading maps. My sense of direction is awful. To this day, I still have to look down at my hands to tell right from left and I really have to think hard about directions.

So yeah, I have trouble with directions and numbers. Not enough to really disrupt my life, but enough to be a bit annoying. Can anyone relate?

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[> Subject: Re: Wondering if I might be mildly dyslexic

Toni (Visual thinker)
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Date Posted: 11:34:19 06/20/12 Wed

Hi Kristine,
You have wrote exactly the same things I Would about myself. I worked hard in writing and reading and donīt have too much trouble with that nowadays (My handwriting is still very difficult to read, however, even for me.)
I do still have many problems with numbers and I still write them misordered quite often, so in order to get it right I need to go over it again al least once to be sure it is OK.
Dyslexia has become a main problem when finishing college and started working. I still hate school, but the worst part has been finding a job to fit in. I have finally found it in the family bussines, where both my mother and sister know my problem. I am now 36 years old and I am still finding positive skills I have much more developed than non-dislexic people. However I donīt have children; Maybe because I donīt have money enough to rise them in a way to provide them all the support it takes in order to finish school and all the staff. Here in Spain being dyslexic means no helps from schools, teachers or Public Administration, so you must take care yourself of your kids and provide them all the support they need.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Wondering if I might be mildly dyslexic

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Date Posted: 07:18:56 07/08/12 Sun

This sounds abit like me, i can do english/literacy perfectly but when it comes to maths im terrible. Im currently in the sixth form department at school and im still trying to get my maths GCSE qualification. I currently work at an after school club and enjoy working with children with learning disabilities as it means i can give them the help that i never had in maths. From the sound of your message you do have a mild case of dyslexia, it might be worth seeing if there is any adult learning courses in your local community to help with the problem, hope that helps abit, good luck

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Wondering if I might be mildly dyslexic

Christine Grace (: ))
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Date Posted: 09:46:48 07/19/12 Thu

Math dyslexia is called Dyscalculia. Its more newly recognized from the language dyslexia and thus less wildly known. I was diagnosed with Dyslexia at age four, but hadn't discovered I had Dyscalculia until I was in my late teens.

My Dyscalculia is actually far more severe for me than my language Dyslexia-- so I know how you feel.

People with Dyscalculia are usually visual-spatial minded. Since numbers, though represented by visual symbols, are abstract concepts so people with Dyscalculia struggle memorizing number sequences and learning mathematical formulas.

Switching the order of numbers is VERY typical for Dyscalculia- I do it all the time. As well as things such as doing long division with the correct steps, however, messing up when it comes to carrying the numbers into the correct columns causing me to have the wrong answer *technically* off by one number. VERY frustrating.

There is more and more research developing to make mathematics logical to the visual spatial and/or Dyscalculic brain. You should check it out!

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