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Subject: Re: Dyslexia

Christine Grace
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Date Posted: 10:06:59 07/19/12 Thu
In reply to: Malcolm UK 's message, "Re: Dyslexia" on 22:45:51 07/07/12 Sat

I understand being failed by the school system. When it came to first grade, I wasn't learning how to read or write AT ALL with the method they were teaching and the school did absolutely nothing to stop me from falling through the cracks. So my grandmother, who was a first and second grade teacher, retired and went back to college in order to learn how to teach phonex to a dyslexic. Its because of my grandmother I can read now. So God Bless loving grandmothers!

The school system completely ignores learning styles and only teaches one standard style (auditory), the excelling honor role "A" students are those who happen to have that at as their learning style. And there's a good reason why its always only a certain portion of the student population excelling, and it has nothing to do with them being "smarter" or having better work ethics.

People who have language Dyslexia or Dyscalculia (math dysexlia) are usually "Visual-Spatial Learners." A program that helped me after I started to be re-homeschooled for the 8th grade on was a website called Brainpop which teaches everything by video. Its was excellent for me.

Your grandson will eventually have to take a GED, which is equivalent to a high-school diploma (My grandma doesn't know much about GEDs which is why I mentioning it, in case you don't know). I've done a course called gedprep.com on the internet-- but honestly I don't recommend it. It explains everything too quickly, and even though its in video format most of the info is presented auditory/lecture style. I'll post once I find a better GED preparation study guide for Dyslexics.

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