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Subject: Re: Dyslexic, Failure and Lost

Toni (Visual thinker)
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Date Posted: 13:34:18 06/19/12 Tue
In reply to: Malcolm 's message, "Re: Dyslexic, Failure and Lost" on 00:41:37 02/10/12 Fri

Hi Yazan;
Your history is very similar to mi own. You have your parentīs economical support but have to fight everyday to find out wich is your place in this world. I can see you have strong will, as most of us do. I can tell you I have a Fine Arts college degree; But I am actually working in the family bussines because when I got into the workerīs world I just didnīt fit anywhere. I am 36 years old now and I star accepting myself the way I am. Now I relize I am a lot wiser than many people around me who are not dyslexic and I have become conscient of the gift or positive side of my different brain wiring. Even this I can tell you that going to college has not made me be happier: Find something you relly like and you will succeed. I understand now many things of my life in a different way, but I must confess that sometimes I have thought of suicide: Mainly because of the lack of emotional understanding or empathy from my parents and other people more than because of academycal results. Websides like this make me feel I am not alone and there are more people out there who can really understand me. Just one more point: As many people may think you are slow-minded, not intelligent or dispraxic, it gives you a clear advantage towards others: Use this in your own benefit ;-D

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