Author: Lara (sad, frustrated, tired)
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Date Posted: 07:47:44 09/14/12 Fri
I was just wandering if anyone could give me some advice/support/anything/to say they have been in the same situation even. On Wednesday, I attended an interview for a graduate job at a University. I told them in advance I was dyslexic, explaining that one way it manifests itself is in my ability to answer on the spot questions, even if I know the answers, I get confused, struggle to bring in the relevance to the job description and struggle to explain myself. I linked them to a British Dyslexic Assoiation document on employment. I requested the question areas in advance. I spent days preparing, put together a portifilio of evidence. Firstly, during the interview, they did not explain when they were changing subject areas, further, they asked the questions in a confusing way, not clearly so I could interpret them easily. They also did not stick to these question areas. For an entry level job, they also asked alot of questions about the role and how I react in situations I couldn't possibly even have been in before. I am a recent graduate, but they did not seem to acknowledge that.
They warned me in advance that the interview would also include a test. I didn't think I'd need extra time on it, because it was an office based post so I didn't think I'd be set anything ridicious. I was set 4 tasks to complete in 30 minutes, these tasks included reading, putting together an email, interpretting information. I was also given alot of papers and felt completely overwelmed. I couldn't read the information properly, I became very confused and distressed because of the time pressure. I just felt that they didn't give any consideration to how much I struggled. The lady said, if I had any questions that speak to her but then she disapeared. Also, this time pressure is not representitive of a job where I'd have things explained to me properly and be able to interpret the information properly. Obviously, I was not offered the job, nor would I actually have wanted to take it up if this was the way they felt they could treat there staff.
The help I need is how I begin to think about making a complaint to the organisation about the interview and how I was treated. I just feel I'm in such a differcult situation. But I feel I have no leg to stand on because they would have judged my hiring potential on the tasks and the interview, both in which I struggled with not because I couldn't do the job, but because of my dyslexia. I feel like employers say they understand it, then treat me like anyone else. I get the feeling that when I struggled to complete the tasks set, they thought I was disorganised, crumbled under pressure, flappy.
This comes at a long line of interviews and continual rejections after I graduated in July, I am really ambitious and know what I want to do and have done everything I can to gain voluntary work experience in the field. Its becoming very hard for me, because I know I can do the jobs that I am going for, but the whole circumstances of an interview get in the way of that. I also have a problem with my self esteme because of my dyslexia, meaning I take every hit very hard. I have only ever gained employment if I am given a trial day and can actively show that I am a good worker.
I am very tired, very upset and really sick of feeling like I am different. xxxxxxx
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