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Subject: Re: Depression and Dyslexia

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Date Posted: 12:02:35 01/08/13 Tue
In reply to: Joan 's message, "Depression and Dyslexia" on 19:34:47 03/03/10 Wed

I find the mix of doing some things very well and failing at others - the failing being "normal" office matters - depressing. It interferes with moving up in the workplace I find, in office jobs at a mid level. So I have experienced being pigeon holed into what I do well, not so bad a problem. But not being able to move up. So I try to feel lucky that I am making a living and that my work has good qualities. But it is hard not to compare to others who can work with stride in the office place. just by working hard.

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[> Subject: Re: Depression and Dyslexia

Charlea Luce
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Date Posted: 08:40:52 01/18/13 Fri

I attended a school for dyslexic boys in NY, which helped but recently for 3 years battled depression.
The 2008 meltdown lost my business, job, savings.

My therapist said that in these troubled times my analytical side of the brain takes over (my weaker side) and my stronger creative side of the brain shuts down or at least becomes less involved. So a struggle of the ying & yang.
I am trying to get back to my old self, (after being checked out as my wife likes to say) and regain my regular self.

Any thoughts as to going the medication route or just fish oil and natural med's to manage the effects of dyslexia/depression?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Depression and Dyslexia

Nicole (Resilient but Weary)
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Date Posted: 21:25:12 04/18/13 Thu

Yes yes and yes again, how can there not be.... a connection....., we know we are not stuipid, in fact we look around us and see many of the 'success' stories of life and witness much arrogance and stupidity. We have been marginalised from a very young age.Labelled early in life as either lazy stupid or both. Some of us turned to substance abuse to numb the pain of rejection and failure, substance abuse itself leads to other mental issues. Rejection and failure effect self esteem, low self esteem along with the reality of not being able to achieve what we wish to, not attain a fullfilling education and job, unless we are lucky enough to find the right support. Finding a job/career without qualifications and the low self esteem we carry around weighing us down, ensures this is virtually impossible.... more rejection. All of these will lead to depression. Of course there are the failed relationships because people are not on our wavelength, do not understand us. Then 'foolishly' we give birth and the cycle perpetuates, we give birth to dyslexic offspring and we witness their slow demise through the education system. More rejection for our kin and we are not in a strong position to support them. We are not lawyers and doctors, psychologists, we are not in a position of power, we do not have the connections. We live in chaos and feel alienated because we do not have the skills to keep order or make good connections. Partners leave and then we bring up our children alone and continue to watch their rejection. Of course we are depressed!!!

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