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Date Posted: 16:16:15 11/20/01 Tue
Author: Firefigure
Subject: Not going to be caught that easily!
In reply to: Riders 's message, "Grins" on 15:01:49 11/20/01 Tue

> The riders each grin throwing another one at her
>holdimng tightly tying it to the horn. Riding closer
>letting it loosen a bit then pulling it just tight
>enough to keep her within the ropes. Standing still.
> The others contnue after the stallion and the other

Femme rears up against the rope, lashing out with her forelegs fiercely, then landing and leaping forth against the new rope, yet her chiseled, wide-brimmed audatives remain pricked. Obviously enjoying this, she decides a new approach when the rope doesn't give. She backs up, creating slack in the rope, then cautiously stretches her neck out, pulling against the rope, but not with too much force, and somehow manages to enlargen the loop. She somehow manages to worm her way out of the loop and turns on a dime with the precise speed and control of a Quarter Horse, and deliberately treads on the rope before anyone has time to react. She first steps on it with one forehoof to hold it down, then paws at it with the other, causing the rope to fray, and once she's sure that it's very weak, she trots gleefully out of range of the riders' ropes.

OOC: Teehee! This is fuuun!

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