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Date Posted: 15:15:07 12/25/01 Tue
Author: Firefigure
Subject: Re: Riders
In reply to: Riders 's message, "Riders" on 15:09:41 12/25/01 Tue

> The riders tearfully grin, hands red from it all.
>They split up w/o being seen some sneaking up behind
>her and closing in tossing out some lassos.Others
>coming in on her blind spots on her sides and closing
>her in even more, they repeat until ther weren't any
>cracks left to escape. They were all using ropes too
>thick to be bitten through or broken, and unable to be
>slipped out of either.

The filly snorts atthe riders in front of her and whirls, attempting to escape from the back. She sees that there are more of them there. Lips part in a call for help, pitched to carry, as she dashes towards the Rider nearest to her, seeking to either trample him or force him out of her way. She continues on, now three yards away, two, one, ignoring all the whirling ropes except to dodge them as she charges onward, ever onward, seeking freedom. Calls for help are constantly emitted, growing more and more desparate with every passing moment, as chiseled ears flicker around for the sound of Damis' hoofbeats, while dark oculi are focused ahead on the Rider who persists in standing in her way...

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