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Date Posted: 09:00:55 11/11/03 Tue
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Please Pray for our family

I was diagnosised with Fibromyalgia and CFS over 2 years ago. I am still fighting with my privite disability company for my pay. I have 2 children who have suffered so much through all this. We have lost our home and had to live in a hotel (that was for recovering alcholics but thank God we had a roof over our heads) My husband went to work against drs orders he has herniated disc in his back and can barely walk. We got enough money to get a new home but its not the same. My children have not had birthdays, vacations or Christmas's since all this has occurred. My husband is now out of work due to a blocked urethria. He has surgery in December. DSS wont help because of my pending disability case. Please have a heart. I have no family other than my children and we dont know what to do. Our children have been through so much. They both are wonderful kids and we just want them to feel special. Were not asking for ourselves just for them. We want them to have a normal Christmas. We dont want them to cry because Santa didnt come again. Our children are a 14 year old girl and a 9 year old boy. This isnt a scam... I am humbling myself to provide for my children. I was just diagnosised with MS. So things dont look to be getting better anytime soon. Please have a heart and in the Spirit of Christmas and love for humankind help us.
God Bless.......

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