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Date Posted: 15:43:26 03/09/04 Tue
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Hello! We Are Dave & Lyn............And This IS Our Story

Hello! We Are Dave& Lyn…………..And This Is Our Story 2004

In 1992 I met my future husband while he was on leave from the USMC after the golf war, as time went on we talked about the day we would get married and how many children we would have (I wanted six). David would just smile and say he hopes we win the lottery.
In 1994 Dave and I were married, sharing our day with many friends and family. We had decided that we would have children right away, but as months past on and having no success on our own we went to see my gynecologist.
We discovered that I was fine but Dave had a low sperm count, Dave is very healthy and physically fit and they had no answers for his low count, we thought maybe all the chemicals from the golf war might have a part in this; we then were referred to a specialist.
Dave was devastated, I felt helpless when talking to him. It was very hard for him to accept; In the back of his mind he felt he had failed me. I explained that we would have a family a different way.

In 1995 we started fertility treatments at the University of Cleveland in Ohio. The Doctors told us that doing IVF would quicken our chances of getting pregnant. The procedure cost approximately 10K plus and our insurance didn’t cover infertility. To help with the cost I donated half of my eggs to a couple, who in return put money toward our procedure. (Little did we know this was leading into years of treatments).

We followed through with the whole fertility treatment. Taking the drugs, removing my eggs, fertilizing them in a dish then transferring them back to my uterus. Now it was a waiting game to see if they would continue to grow.
Well our first procedure didn’t work for us, but it did for the couple I donated to. I was fine with that because I knew that’s how God wanted it.
We decided to try again thinking this time had to work. But after shots, ultrasounds, and another transfer our embryos didn’t make it, we continued 2 more times but with no success.
Now the reality check!! With 40 k spent and no pregnancies, a second mortgage both working and driving over 2 hours a day for Doctors appointments we were mentally existed and needed to take a break.

In September 1999 I just couldn’t take it anymore, I just wanted to be a MOM and for everyone to stop feeling sorry for us, not wanting to tell us “they where expecting” or not getting invited to baby showers to spare my feelings.

Some woman can be cruel, giving birth is like this elite private club, and if you haven’t given birth they look down on you.

The pain with child birth goes away and you forget. The pain of never being able to give birth only grows stronger and you never forget.
We went to a specialist in Akron, Ohio which was closer. We started again with shots Ultra sounds and even using donor sperm. In April 2000 we stopped all procedures due to no pregnancies thus far. I remember crying for weeks thinking why is this happening to us?

We then decided maybe God had something else intended for us, We put our names on an adoption list and got involved with foster care which was very rewarding. We had numerous children in our home from foster care but they where always reunited with family. (This was very hard for us to handle). Every time we thought our prayers were being answered the children were taken. We also lost an infant boy we had cared for till he was 7 mos old. Not everyone can love and accept someone else’s child but God knew we could love them as our own.

After 4 IVF Treatments, 4 Donor inseminations, numerous surgeries and now the loss of three children we no longer new how to comfort each other in our pain. I can actually say I know what a broken heart feels like; it is the worst pain I have ever felt before.
Well it’s a year later and after some counseling to help us understand our loss, we still have our dream of becoming parents.

We tried on our own; we tried infertility and even our local foster system. Wanting to be parents shouldn’t have to be so hard to achieve, I can’t imagine our lives without children. As the years go one all I see is Dave and I sitting alone with no children or grandchildren to visit or having those special moments that last forever.
What about Dave wanting to teach our children about nature, to respect its beauty and all that God has created or all the bumps and bruises that a mommy can make feel better.
We had experienced what it’s like to be parents while fostering and we won’t lose the hope of that still coming true, it brought joy and many memories that we will always carry in our hearts.
We want to adopt through an adoption agency but after all the costs of infertility treatments our funds are low and adoption is expensive.
We don’t understand why it has to cost so much. Hind sight is 50/50, why couldn’t we have know back then that 9 years later we would still be childless, we would have used our money for adoption. But maybe that was a learning experience we were meant to go through, we realize how precious a child is and never take one day for granted.

There is an adoption agency with a sibling group but Dave and I can’t afford all the legal fees so we are asking for donations, we thought that if this adoption is truly meant to be there are great people out there willing and wanting to help. We don’t know what the outcome of this is going to be, weather we get donations or not, but if you can find in your heart a place for us please say a prayer and watch for updates, if this works we will be posting a picture for everyone who made our dream come true.

Please Send Donations To: Dave & Lyn P.O. Box 64 Massillon, Ohio 44648

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