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Subject: Ummmm...I'll do me best for that since no one is volenteerin'! ** She looks blank (and blind haha) for a moment and then blurts out** Er, If anybeast has objection to this couple being married, speak now or forever hold your peice. (Ribbit croak silence) OK, Do ye, Kitsune Uzuki take Scamps Angle Windstar as your lawful wedded wife, (look in)

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Date Posted: 10:08:13 12/03/01 Mon
In reply to: Jeihron, the fox who has beside him a jar of chloraform. 's message, "*Jeihron wistles to himself while sitting in the front row with his arms crossed.* Priest... This may take a while... I suppose I am kinda dressed darkly most of the time... Nobody's gonna volunteer... I guess... I'll just have to sit here and sleep............ZZZZZZZZ" on 02:40:49 12/03/01 Mon

and will forever love her and teach her how to do flips over trees, er, no, thats not right...and forever please her and do whatever is good for her? And do ye, Scamps Angle Windstar take Kitsune Uzuki as your lawful wedded husband and will forever love him, and teach him how to...sing as high and as good as ye do...no, thats not right either...and forever please him and do whatever is good for him? If ye both agree to this, say 'I do' and if not, 'I don't'

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