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Subject: Aaaaaaaaah...!!!!! *Splash!*

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Date Posted: 23:03:50 11/19/01 Mon

Yoiks! It be hot in here!
Somebody get me a towel!
Quickly, now!

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hmmmm!** She wiggles her eyebrows. She then sweeps away all the towels from the hot-tub** hahahaha! Heeheee!** (sorry, Scamps. Forgive me. I just had to do something!)Song12:19:33 11/20/01 Tue
*walks up and grins, then slips into the water herself and does an experimental paddle*"it's not that hot, about bath tempreture id say..."*sinks under the water and dissapears for a few seconds before popping up beside Kit with a huge grin on her face and huggles him* "okay i'll see what i can do"*gets out of the springs and drips her way over to a nearby tree and pulls out a huge soft green towel and sets it beside kit before getting back in the water*Scamps19:33:10 11/20/01 Tue
With eye's wider than Honeydew melons, Kitsune watches Song dash away laughing.* You bring those back here this instant! Don't make me build meself a steamroom!!! (NT)Kitsune the flabbergasted!00:04:03 11/21/01 Wed
*gets covered in ice and splutter and goes under the water and comes up, all herfur plastered over her head, grumbleing she gets out of the spring and shakes herself, drenching various beasts and ending up looking like a white and black puffball she looks up and dashes after Song* "Come back!!! i need that towel! it's non-static!!ahhhh!!!!!"Scamps...uhh yeah....22:45:03 11/21/01 Wed
Kicks the tree....HARD....'dang fanga rilpit shriotzar! you get down from there!' Throws his weight onto a branch....his 16 year old weight...'theyr gettin married! im gon for 2 dayz, and where do i find you??' looks very sharply at his littl sister. (NT)SkipRay12:06:47 11/22/01 Thu
*song looks up from where SkipRay is trying to maul the tree and jumps as she sees Scamps (the puffball) sitting beside her*"ahhh, m guessing you did'nt know wolves could climb tree's did you?"*grabs the towels and leaps to the ground*Scamps23:44:00 11/22/01 Thu
*Song, unbalanced from SkipRay's wieghted slams, looses her grip on the towels, dropping them into the ready hands of Kitsune. The red fox smiled.* Ya~ ha ha~ ha ha~ ha! I got our towels back! *Kitsune imediately runs to the center of the large spring, out of reach of Song. HE quickly tosses a towel to Scamps, who catches it just before it fell back into the spring.*.* (NT)Kitsune the quick01:09:53 11/23/01 Fri
*watches song whip past and whrugs* "how come she stealing our towels cause were gettin married..we should be having beasts GIVEING us towels for crikey sake!*leaps up and grabs Kitsunes paw andpulls him forward*"hey i have an idea on how to get our towels back.,.teamwork eh!*winks*Scamps18:32:44 11/24/01 Sat
**Bulldozes the tree down** Grrrrr, ive been gone!! i missed soooo much stuff!! Hoho Skippy, look at me across the room, hehe. ohhhh im soo scared of you.....hahahaha. you dragged me intoo Scamps's wedding! by the collar!! **grimaces** i still remember it.Shroudy17:57:44 12/02/01 Sun
Yeah well, wee small kid, just wait. when mom an dad iz gone, **draws finger across his throat** your in BIG trouble, cause you stole my Mandy Moore CD!!>>:-& he told everybody it was his!!! i was wondering where it went....and look at me across the room too you little stealer, here, i'll deal you a noogie.SkipRay18:01:02 12/02/01 Sun
Just wait till you get in bed an go to sleep! ill kick you in the head!! and i'll rule you!! ill play all of the games your good at and get so good, you cant beat me anymore!!Shroudy18:02:36 12/02/01 Sun
Hoho! ok, i challenge you to a game of your choise!! is it: Emperor: Battle for Dune, Red Alert 2, Yuri's Revenge, podracer, or Battlezone 2. you know it'll be a fair fight! >:-)SkipRay18:04:23 12/02/01 Sun
Ummmm, I have lots of other stuff to do, dont want to waste my time doin computer stuff, got things to do, stuff to see, etc,.. ill still kick you in the head!! but Figgs still will probobally not be able to resist my charm an ill get married! and you'll be single! hahahahahaShroudy18:06:39 12/02/01 Sun
*walks up the the fighting pair, her fur shineing in the sun, she seems to be trying to hide a smile* "Many moore eh? she is one of my favorite singers you know! *sighing she grabs both shroud and Skipray by the paws and pulls them close grinning* "now you too boys.....kiss and make up! hehehe!!"*strides over to a tree stumpo and sits down on it while she watches the entertaining two...(hehe)*Scamps23:14:08 12/02/01 Sun
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! KISS SKIPRAY!!! WAT! **dives behind Scamps** here, Scamps = me, so kiss her, but not meeeeee!!!!!Shroudy07:39:16 12/03/01 Mon
Hey hey hey! i didnt exactly say that! i mean, well maybe i kinda meant that...but it was um, a uhh um a, a, a uh, il get bak to it laterSkipRay18:33:12 12/03/01 Mon
*raises one eye brow, then the other...slowly*"as Rove would say....what the!!!scamps....wow...ahh...what the?21:58:12 12/03/01 Mon
**Squints his eyes and smiles wiht al his teeth** uh, hehe, uhhhhhh. Song had to object during th wedding....i mean, Shroudy has a black eye, got made fun of at school untill he tol what i did to him. they said 'your brother gave you THAT!!' and he says' yeah' everybody got outa my way for thw whole day. hehe, uh wel, ask me later we can chat i guess....hehe umSkipRay11:24:58 12/04/01 Tue

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