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Subject: Umm...what wedding? Whose? I'm confused because I'm supposed to have a wedding soon! *she holds her head and her ears droop, giving her a rather sickly appearance* OOC: I've been on a holiday, too, but with a computer right underneath my nose...HOGGED BY MY OWN FATHER! He told me to wait 'til he was back at work and I was back at school (same day). Accept my apologies all.

Nightband the utterly confused!
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Date Posted: 20:11:14 01/02/02 Wed
In reply to: Song 's message, "OK!" on 07:08:44 01/01/02 Tue

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*trots over and tosses Nightband a cold can of 'Black stallion' *" this oughta perk you up, energy drink ya know!" anyway songs gettin married to Sylver far as i know, Phantom is looking for you in the danceing caverns in Lancepaws and me Telemain,Slyver and Twicks have started our own band named "Eclipsed Shadow" go see in the fireside for details, anyways gotta fly*shine for a second and darkflame the dark-fore gryph is there, she grins and raises her bronze crest in a sort of wave and flaps up into the cold grey sky...*Sca....Darkflame!!!21:47:56 01/02/02 Wed
    Ok Sylver! And Mama, (Sylver, meet my adopted mother Nightband) this is my to be husband Sylver Rustfang. Papa is in the band with him! (look in)Songbreeze11:16:55 01/03/02 Thu

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