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*Sylver drops down from a tree nearby and checks for any stray leaves and twigs in his russet/silver fur before trotting over to song and sitting down beside her*"ahh, ive been lurking, waiting for the wedding to start"*looks around for the other guests before trying to put his much maligned fur back into place, because the trees seem to get him messy without trying*OOC: Ive been on a holiday, thats why i havent replied for so long around here, sorry if i caused any problems, and oh, i did talk to scamps on the phone, she can use my char. if she wants, apparently im in a band now!*smiles grimly and listens to some music* (im listening to...'Train' right now) | Sylver Rustfant(part time lurker, and returning from attemting to get a tan...ehhhhhhhhhh!!!) | 00:55:30 01/02/02 Wed |
Umm...what wedding? Whose? I'm confused because I'm supposed to have a wedding soon! *she holds her head and her ears droop, giving her a rather sickly appearance* OOC: I've been on a holiday, too, but with a computer right underneath my nose...HOGGED BY MY OWN FATHER! He told me to wait 'til he was back at work and I was back at school (same day). Accept my apologies all. (NT) | Nightband the utterly confused! | 20:11:14 01/02/02 Wed |
*trots over and tosses Nightband a cold can of 'Black stallion' *" this oughta perk you up, energy drink ya know!" anyway songs gettin married to Sylver far as i know, Phantom is looking for you in the danceing caverns in Lancepaws and me Telemain,Slyver and Twicks have started our own band named "Eclipsed Shadow" go see in the fireside for details, anyways gotta fly*shine for a second and darkflame the dark-fore gryph is there, she grins and raises her bronze crest in a sort of wave and flaps up into the cold grey sky...* | Sca....Darkflame!!! | 21:47:56 01/02/02 Wed |
*she gulps down the drink and feels better* Oh, ok. Nice to meet you,, sorry for the strange entrance. I just have been gone too long...this kind of thing happens. *she puts the empty can in a trash can nearby, then holds out her paw to shake paws with Sylver* (NT) | Nightband who feels better | 15:12:33 01/03/02 Thu |
Train...haha...i have some memories of love, with that band playing a part in it...but it didnt work out. | Telemain | 21:05:37 01/03/02 Thu |
Sylver is the best bass player ever, ROCK ON! | Telemain | 21:08:26 01/03/02 Thu |
*smiles at song*"yeah i listen to train, i have their whole album somwhere in my messy room..*looks around, then shakes hands with Nightband*"hello! i think i seen you over at Lancepaws a few times right? Sylvers the name, though you already know that right?(am i saying 'right?' to much:-)) anyway when does the wedding start!*looks around and Notices Telemain*"yes aspparently im in your band, i hope i performed well (the last time i let scampos use my charachter she covered me in cream and made me do the funky chicken dance......embarrasing yep!) Train have a few good songs..which one is the one you have memories attached to mate? | Sylver Rustfang | 01:01:33 01/04/02 Fri |
**A pure black fox with a white spot on her chest walks in and looks around. SHe sees Song and runs up and hugs her** I've come! WHat a wonderful wedding! (NT) | Nightbreeze | 14:19:36 01/04/02 Fri |
*she chuckles* I don't believe I was around for that little mess. Yes, I have been on Lancepaws, quite a bit...since sometime last year (I'm not sure when). Oh, and you weren't saying "right" too much, I'm used to it. *she twirls around and giggles ridiculously* Let Song's wedding BEGIN!! (NT) | Nightband feeling slightly giddy | 18:24:19 01/04/02 Fri |
*Katikcha flys in (not literally)* Okay! The bridesmaid is here, so the wedding may start! | Katikcha | 22:19:15 01/04/02 Fri |
Well, I'm ready, (even though i have no idea when I go in) but where is the groom? | Katikcha | 15:11:04 01/05/02 Sat |
Oh i wish i could get married *hangs her head low* | Kari StarBloom | 17:36:19 01/06/02 Sun |
*Sylver comes out of a tents by the steam in a black suit, his bushy tail swishing back and forth and looking...itchy*This suit is killin me! arrgg! feels like it's full of ants!*runs around scratching his suit and watches surprised as a ant falls out of the pants leg*Okay, i was NOT expecting that, well then, im here! *puts a white rose in the pocket of his suit and takes his place by the podium and smiles quietly* Errrr Kari, are you new around here? i havent seen you before, well, not everybodys gettin married around here, so far only Kitsune and Scamps have been married (and are currently on their honeymoon, Scamps said somthing about choclate when i asked her....i wont go any further with that..) and im next *gives a fang toothed grin* Hey, err do i have a best man...this seems way to rushed to me *shrugs* | Stlver Rustfant..the groom i presume heh heh | 21:51:45 01/06/02 Sun |
Hahah, my trouble is getting the best man too my wedding...hey anyone remember him, Seneroth? Well yeah... He is gunna be my best man, But hey, I'm really, THE BEST MAN, but thats not wedding related *winks and recieves shallow looks from everyone* I'll be quiet. | Telemain | 03:48:11 01/07/02 Mon |
**Runs down the aisle and picks a seat** Sorry I'm late. | Ferdy | 11:54:34 01/08/02 Tue |
Furrtil...I dont know yet, but when I do, I will tell you...I dont know cause something came up. Probably here though. | Telemain | 04:02:23 01/09/02 Wed |
Shouldn't the bride's "father" walk her down the isle? | Telemain | 18:14:44 01/09/02 Wed |
*she sits silently on a bench, waiting for the wedding to start. She looks horribly tired and rather feeble, and deep in thought. She keeps glancing at Telemain, then at the ground. She suddenly speaks* Ok, when's the Best Man coming? *her voice is slightly ragged. She smiles at Furrtil. She goes over to stand by her and sets a paw on her shoulder* Well, what are you going to do? (NT) | Nightband | 20:16:25 01/09/02 Wed |
*Scamps walks in, scratching her head, she seems to have lost weight, and her eyes are dull, as though somebody had sucked near all the life out of them, and shes shakeing* "I..Me.......i can't seem to remember the last few days!......somthing has taken away the momories!!! i remember going to Lancepaws...and seeing Nightband and that....*frowns* and i remember singing "I knew i loved you" by savage garden.....and thats it.....just after i sang the song i can seem to remember hearing a voice speaking to me....and then theres a big void after that!!!*looks anxious and slumps down on one of the nearby seats and holds her head in her hands in a worried fashion* "i think i did som,thing wrong...everybody innthe hall was stareing at me when i woke up...whats happening to me!! | Scamps Angel (Windstar)Uzuki | 23:52:17 01/09/02 Wed |
I'm not sure when I should come in so I'll just wait till the time comes. | Rumpus | 03:38:46 01/10/02 Thu |
Congratulations Song! I remember when we were all dibbuns . . . sniff. (NT) | Dusklight | 10:51:06 01/10/02 Thu |
*she stares at Scamps, worry plain as day upon her tired features* You challenged Phantom Shadow to a fight over trying to "ruin everything you'd done", you said, and he said he had no idea what you were talking about. Telemain then challenged you, and you said you could not fight him. You said he could hit you, hurt you, even kill you, and you wouldn't fight back. You then asked Phantom Shadow to take a dagger and slit your throat; kill you, basically. I took the dagger away and threw you into a seat, telling Telemain to hold you down so you wouldn't stand again and try the trick again. I then tossed the dagger (accidently spearing Twicks' hat), then collapsed in a tired, unconcious heap. That's what happened before you woke back up, it seems. Does that help, Scamps? .....Something came from under you after you woke up....something dark and a shadowhand of death.... (NT) | Nightband..... | 20:27:38 01/10/02 Thu |
*stares at Nightband...her features paleing* "i...cant belive i would do THAT!...i cannot remember anything you are telling me, its like i when that happened....*stares at the ground* all i can remember after i woke up was haveing a really bad headache.....really terrible, like somebody drilling into my skull..erggghhh! somthing came out from under me?..........a..shadow?*looks slightly freaked out* maybye it was controlling me!.. or it was the thing that took them emories of the last few days away! awww gawd!!*clutches at her head* i keep on getting bad headaches whenever i try to remember what your talking about Nightband...! | Scamps | 23:55:15 01/10/02 Thu |
**Gives Scamps an eye bugging frown** I hope this is RolePlay.....cause your acting really weird................................. | SkipRay | 12:31:17 01/11/02 Fri |
Shroud, Skipray, you can give her away...I've hardly even had her a month. I must go sit with Nightband, besides, leggaly, I am not her father yet. *moves towards Nightband, whom has been looking ujp at him, with sad eyes the whole time, and he intended to find out why* Nightband...dearest, something is the matter with you, is it not? Maybe we should go take a walk, before the wedding. Or would you rather go alone? Regardless, I believe you should take a walk. | Telemain | 13:14:12 01/11/02 Fri |
*she makes a soft groaning sound, then stands up with difficulty* Urrgh...ok, I guess I do need a walk...but I feel so tired...and weak. I'm not sure exactly what's wrong with me...though I feel like someone's just hit me in the head with the flat of a sword, given me sleeping potion, and had me run for a hundred miles.... (NT) | Nightband | 15:05:46 01/11/02 Fri |
*looks over to Nightband and Telemain and frowns, then walks over to scamps and puts a comforting paw on her shoulder for a second* "you'll be fine cuz, learn to take it easy!*hands her a can of red-bull and chuckles* that always perks ya up! *winks( i oughta makes you go maddd! hehe *walks back and takes his place again* | Sylver Rustfang | 01:07:10 01/12/02 Sat |
*takes both cans and looks from one to the other..*"ayay!! i donna know which one to drink first! BOOOOOYA!!!!!(OOC: i just has a bottle of V in real life hahahahhahahha!) | Scamps | 00:53:28 01/13/02 Sun |
*she shivers slightly, then sits up. She picks up her cloak and puts it on, then looks at Telemain.* Shall we go for the walk now, Telemain? I feel better....partially. (NT) | Nightband | 14:55:08 01/13/02 Sun |
Okay, here we go! *Katikcha smooths her lilac dress and holds onto her yellow roses and slowly starts to walk do the isle* Just don't fall over, just don't fall over. | Katikcha | 17:01:18 01/14/02 Mon |
Yeah! I'm scared I might miss my part ot something because if I don't show then they might replace me... | Rumpy | 15:01:06 01/15/02 Tue |
*looks over his shoulder as he stands at the podiam and waits for hgis bride to come down the aslie, sure she will be the most beatuful crature here today, his bush tail flicking his ear flatten back and his dark blue eyes search* | Sylver Rustfang | 00:49:44 01/21/02 Mon |
(OOC: yes im exited....mmm thought typos have nothing to do with it, it's just a fact that it was rather late when i wrote that..and iv'e been rather tierd all wekk..somebody get me somthing to get me hyper!!*drinks coke...) grins sideways at his...enchanting bride and waits for..(is it whiteye?) to start the vows | Sylver Rustfang | 23:42:07 01/24/02 Thu |
I don't really know when I'm supposed to come in so I'll just wait for my cue! I get a daddy! Yippee! | Rumpus | 16:27:41 01/26/02 Sat |
(OOC: i must try that someday) I DO I DO! I DO! IDO! IDO! | Sylver Rustfang | 21:34:01 01/26/02 Sat |
OOC: Song, please e-mail me if ya can! =D | | 05:40:46 01/27/02 Sun |
okay then, lookin song only | Sylver Rustfang | 21:12:48 01/27/02 Sun |
Rumpus hears his cue and walks forward with the ring on a satin heart shaped pillow! | Rumpus | 09:10:22 01/28/02 Mon |
(look in song only) | Sylver Rustfang | 01:44:14 01/29/02 Tue |
*his fur goes red for a second before he lurches forward and kisses song..* | Sylver Rustfang | 02:38:34 02/07/02 Thu |
wonders where song is...and looks slightly hurt she wont post..* | Sylver Rustfang | 00:41:08 02/14/02 Thu |