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Subject: *you walk into the clearing and gasp*

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Date Posted: 23:53:04 11/22/01 Thu

*in fron of you are rows of seats made from split logs, down the middle of the rows is a walkway that has been lined with flowers like Jasmine lillies and white roses, at the end of the walkway is a pagola that has been wreathed with alternate white and red roses and snowdrops, you hear a rustle behind you and see a small tent erected behind you, above it is a picture of a wolf, a head pokes out and you are surprised to see Scamps (well just her head really) her fur has been combed to a dull sheen and a tiara made from silver and tigereye jasper adorns her head she loks around and spots you* "hey there, uhh i need the bridesmaids (furrtil and Dusklight) and besides that can you find me a flowergirl and a person to be the preist, i know this is in the nick of time but the weddings going to start soon!"*with that she dissapears into the tent again*

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*Meanwhile, inside of tent set up next to the tree by the hot spring, Kitsune the fox is getting himself ready for the day.* Hmmm... Let's see. *He looks beside the tents entrance at three tuxedo's which had been hung up; one colored white, one colored deep red, and the other colored black.* I think I'll go with black. White is really more for prom's... And where the heck'd red come from...? Uuurg, I can't decide! I wonder if Jeihron or Telemain is around? (NT)Kitsune the red fox00:06:07 11/23/01 Fri
*Scamps stands in front of the mirror, smiling she looks at her dress, it is long, with a short train from the back, it is white with a lilac sheen to it the sleeves flare to wide at the wrist and she checks the tiara on her head between her ears it curves upwardstowards the back, *"this dress is nice...i like it..but theres the deep dlue one as well,mmmm might stick with this"*her eyes shine deep gold as she waits for her bridesmaids arrive*"meybye the'll help me!"Scamps00:17:51 11/23/01 Fri
Really? You want my help? *The gray fox wanders into Kitsune's tent, still wearing the dusty cape from when he first came to the caverns.* Well first of all, let's just get rid of the white tuxedo... *Takes the white tuxedo from the hanger and throws it outside.* I don't know about red though. I've seen "Beetlejuice" countless times, but red just seems a bit strange. (NT)Jeihron the unsure00:57:45 11/23/01 Fri
*looks around..waiting for somebody to reply*Scamps20:19:43 11/23/01 Fri
*scurries in wearing a pale pink dress with white pinafore* Ullo, oim yurr!furrtil17:39:20 11/24/01 Sat
*After being in a frozen state for two days, Kitsune finally thaws out to make his choice.* Okay then, I'll go with the black. *He hurriedly puts on the suit, wondering how many creatures would show up for the cerimony.* Yeah Jiehron, I hear what your sayin'. I hope that dead preist thing from the movie isn't going to show up... *Looks around suspiciously, putting on the black suit that kind of resembles Sephiroth's outfit from Final Fantasy 7. After puting on the suit, Kitsune then takes a black bow from the dresser and ties it around his neck.* I hate bow-ties... (NT)Kitsune the red fox00:35:03 11/26/01 Mon
*Telemain is perched on one of the logs,looking at the couple's altar, and other wedding decorations* Gee, weddings sure are neat. Can't wait till mine. Gee...I'm nervous about this wedding. Its not even my wedding...whoa! Could it be? I, the great Telemain has a weakness? Nah. *stops talking to no one and relaxes a bit**Telemain04:45:40 11/26/01 Mon
*Dusklight rushes over to Scamps.* Sorry I'm late. *She looks at Scamps and gasps.* You look beautiful, absolutely perfect. *She smiles.* Hey, do you want Tag to be the ringbearer? *Tag peeks out from behind Dusklight's wing. He is wearing a tiny suit.* (NT)Dusklight10:46:56 11/26/01 Mon
So, lets do this!Furrtil17:18:15 11/26/01 Mon
*looks down at dusklight and grins as tag peeks out again, handing Dusklight a box on a silken cushion she smiles*"yeah, these are the rings, i'd love for tag to be the ringbearer!, okay,*she hears the music start up outside the tent and peeks out from behind the flaps and slowly walks out, as soon as the suin hits her dress it shimmers lilac and silver,,the tiara on her head looking like a silver halo she walks forward and the train of her dress shivers along behind her, smileing the lowers a spiderweb like veil and approaches the rows of seats*Scamps (just don't ask me were the misic is comig from*sigh*)21:59:47 11/26/01 Mon
'SkipRay slams into the clearing' "whoa, what'd i miss?" 'looks at himself' "hmmm," Whips out a comb and starts brushing his fur and then he puts on his black executive suit, along with his maroon tie. he combs his head fur a little more then rushes up to see whats happening....SkipRay06:45:01 11/27/01 Tue
*Nightband sneaks up behind Telemain and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek* Hullo. Ah, Scamps' wedding...she looks beautiful, don't you think? *she smiles and sits next to her fiance. She is wearing a blue dress in victorian style with a wide neck, both horizontally and vertically. Her sleeves are puffy at the top and they become tightly fit at the elbow, coming into a point atop her paws. She has a red cloak on that is decorated with white sequins in a celtic knot pattern. Her head is adorned with a black tiara with rubies and jet set in the base and five long ribbons trail from the back, rose heads attached to the bottom. She is watching the wedding intently, but also watching Telemain out the cormer of her eye* (NT)Nightband18:30:19 11/27/01 Tue
*Telemain nods, signifying Scamps' beauty.* uh huh... *His black tunic is akward, but his eyes are to the ground, while he peeks up at Nightband, once and a while.*Telemain20:41:33 11/27/01 Tue
Grrrrrrr!!! *Frustrated The fox rips off his bow-tie and throws it at the tent's wall after trying desperately to fit the bow-tie around his neck.* I'll just go without it. *Kitsune looks up, the frustration fades away as the sound of music fills his ears.* Oh-no it's starting. *He looks out at the row of seats quickly filling, then turns to face Jeihron.* Okay! Now I've gotta get out there! See ya later Jeih! *With a smile on his face, he leaps out from the tent and past the tree to make it over to the row of chairs.* (NT)Kitsune Uzuki the red fox01:15:47 11/28/01 Wed
*the music starts up, but it is not the usual wedding music, it is slow and sounds like it is somthing from speakers all around, you can reginize the tune, but can't place the beat..., Scamps walks down the aisle...seeming to float, the light playing on her dress so that is sparkles in the watery sunlight abover her, reaching the podium where the preist is she slows and looks around, you can she is smileing beneath the gauze like veil, from behind her there is a running sound and a large black wolf rushes up to the Alter, he is clad in dark blue robes and is holding a book, leaping up to the podium he stops and places the book down, Scamps looks for Kitsune at the end of the aile....*Scamps angel windstar<|>03:07:13 11/28/01 Wed
**Tears comes to his eyes** This is soooo beautiful! I alaways cry at weddings! **Blows his nose into a hanky**Ferdy17:58:54 11/29/01 Thu
*she gently lays her paw upon Telemain's back, speaking softly* What's wrong? You look away...what is it? *she cocks her head, trying to look into Telemain's face. She brushes some leaves from her fur, still looking at Telemain* ....Is this too much for my wedding dress? I thought I'd show it to you...but it doesn't seem you like it....*she is still staring at Telemain, wonder in her crimson eyes* (NT)Nightband20:32:12 11/29/01 Thu
It's not the dress, Nightband, it's beautiful, really. But I just am a bit nervous, even though I am anxious. I can't wait, problem is...I dont know what to wear!*Telemain21:04:17 11/29/01 Thu
*Kitsune looks through the crowd of creatures sitting in the rows of chairs. He looks to himself while standing behind the crowd, deciding what kind of entrance to make.* I'm already late for the wedding! I can't think about this anymore. *The fox calms himself to slow his heavy breathing. And starts forward.* I'll just play it by ear. If I stumble on a rock and fall, no big deal. I'll just have to get back up and pretend it didn't happen. Well, hear goes nothing. *With a smile on his face, Kitsune trots down the aisle to his mate.* (NT)Kitsune the red fox21:26:20 11/29/01 Thu
*Scamps hears Kitsune makeing his way down the aisle and turns to watch him, he ears flattening in admiration, you have to hand it to him, he does look fantastic in a suit!, without turning she whispers to Starwulf who is acting as the preist*"are you sure you know the vows?, i think a real preist is needed...uhhh...we don't have one...well....here goes nothing""Scamps00:10:24 11/30/01 Fri
*Tag walks slowly up the aisle, clutching the silken cushion containing the rings. He stands at the front, over to one side a bit, quiet and smiling.* (NT)Tag11:00:20 11/30/01 Fri
(Whew) That was a mighty long walk... *Kitsune catches his breath and walks up to the podium.* I finally made it! (He he he!) *The red fox stands beside Scamps, and turns to look at her.* I didn't mean to be late for this. Sorry. (NT)Kitsune13:40:14 12/02/01 Sun
**Pulls his little brother, who is horsing around farther away, by the collar** "Sit. Your gonna sit here and be quiet." he whispers to him, giving him a meaningful look. "its starting now, so be still."SkipRay17:54:42 12/02/01 Sun
sure Whiteye, you've been my freind for longer than i can remember!*takes her paw and takes Kitsunes with the other as she turns to speak to him*"no it's fine, were still working out the whole (whos gunna be the preist cause we don't really have one thingee) so..uhhh..preist anybody know the vows??please??*looks around and waits*Scamps23:09:37 12/02/01 Sun
*Jeihron wistles to himself while sitting in the front row with his arms crossed.* Priest... This may take a while... I suppose I am kinda dressed darkly most of the time... Nobody's gonna volunteer... I guess... I'll just have to sit here and sleep............ZZZZZZZZ (NT)Jeihron, the fox who has beside him a jar of chloraform.02:40:12 12/03/01 Mon
*Jeihron wistles to himself while sitting in the front row with his arms crossed.* Priest... This may take a while... I suppose I am kinda dressed darkly most of the time... Nobody's gonna volunteer... I guess... I'll just have to sit here and sleep............ZZZZZZZZ (NT)Jeihron, the fox who has beside him a jar of chloraform.02:40:49 12/03/01 Mon
*Smiles, and wipes tears of happiness from her eyes as she watches two of her good friends join their lives together.* (NT)Dusklight10:20:11 12/03/01 Mon
*gasp* I hope I'm not too late! *He watches the wedding*Dartpaw13:55:05 12/03/01 Mon
I Object!!SkipRay14:12:48 12/03/01 Mon
Coughs REAL LOUD during his brothers "speech" kicks him in leg 'that was supposed to b private!! *gives him a mean look*SkipRay14:25:33 12/03/01 Mon
HEY! **starts whispering** i didnt say that! an what are you doin, sittin there! was it you! L:^I welll..........are you? ah well tel me later. looks around him..eerie...it could be any of them....SkipRay18:31:03 12/03/01 Mon
*she sees the commotion and whispers to Telemain* Don't worry...we'll figure that out when the time comes...for now, I've got ot deal with the mess over there. *she gently kisses him, then stalks over to where the ruckus is going on* Stop it right now! *she growls and bares her teeth* No one's gonna object to this wedding! Otherwise, they just might find themselves in the springs!! *she glares at Song, SkipRay, and Shroudy with growing anger* Now, take your seats and let the wedding continue! I want to hear their acceptances! *she pushes all three into seats* STAY! *she turns on her heel and scurries back over to her place at Telemain's side* (NT)Nightband the thoroughly angry at the three trouble makers!!20:35:35 12/03/01 Mon
*looks at Kitsune and smiles* "I DO I DO I DO IDO!@!!!!!!!!!!!"*turns and stares at Skipray and shroud......*"okay then.......well at least im well liked around here, people, feel the LOVE!!! **looks at Whiteye* "i think i'll finish off the vows my way!!! *greins and flips back her veil and throw it over her shoulder and does a good impression of whiteye*"you may now kiss the bride!"*grins and then grabs Kitsune and...(well can't you just imagine it? hehehe!)*after finishing up she turns to all the single girls behind her*"okay girls....im gunna throw the boqet now...no fighting over it!"*turns her back to the crowd and throws it in the air...who's gunna catch it?....then sidles up back beside her husband and throws her arms around him as she watches the boqet sail through the air...*Scamps angel Uzuki (P.S Kitsune is a good kisser *wink,wink runaway and hide now cause i know he's gunna get me for sayin that about him mweheheheh!)22:04:30 12/03/01 Mon
I DO! I DO!!! *Watches the bouquet fly into the air above the crowding creatures, and finally land on a branch of the tree.* II love you Scamps! *Begins to laugh as some of the beast's try to reach the bouquet before all else. He then turns his attention to the wedding cake, which had already been knawed upon.* Hey! What the! How'd that happen!? (NT)Kitsune, apparently having zoned out for minutes01:09:20 12/04/01 Tue
That was a nice weddin' The second one I've been to so far.Dartpaw11:40:19 12/04/01 Tue
Congradulatons!!! sorry I missed it, I was pre-ocupied!!! Congradulations!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*! (NT)Aslania the late one!*!14:19:25 12/04/01 Tue
*Nightband notices a single rose had fallen from the bouquet and gingerly picks it up. Her eyes twinkle with a hint of sadness as she thinks of her past...of everything that had happened to her, that hurt her physically and emotionally. She sighs gently and tucks the rose gently into her bodice, then turns to Kitsune and Scamps, a weak smile upon her face* My greatest congratulations. A wonderful wedding, if I do say so myself. *she then turns to Telemain, wonder in her eyes* (NT)Nightband18:54:49 12/04/01 Tue
**Sniff sniff** Dibbun's is all growed up.....**Cries** It's sooo beautiful!Ferdy21:23:30 12/04/01 Tue
*Telemain wipes away a tear, wether joy or sorrow it matters not. He stands, walking by Nightband with a shallow smile.* Beautiful, wasn't it?*He walks over to the "terrible three of siblings" Shroud, I must say, I am dissapointed in you, and your brother. BUT SONG I'm afraid you did something bad. Scamps wedding was to be as perfect as it could be. Turned out now it isnt. But Im sick of cracking down, lets have a PARTY!!!!! Over at the dance hall!Telemain04:54:15 12/05/01 Wed
*Showers Scamps and Kitsune with birdseed and flower petals, from the tree above them.* (NT)Dusklight10:40:10 12/05/01 Wed
*Nightband takes the half of the bouquet and smells it, her ears pressing back against her head in bliss* Mmmm...wonderful smell...*she then turns to Telemain, holding the bouquet like a bride* When is our wedding to be, my dear Telemain? I would like to have it here...but when? Soon, I hope. *she show a bit of a smile* (NT)Nightband19:19:07 12/05/01 Wed
Birdseed?*looks up at Dusklight and grins* hmmmmmmmmmmmm"i dunno what to say.but i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee kitsune and all of u and i think this wedding was the best and thanks to all of you for chipping in tohelp me get this done.*grins and then starts to coke as she accidentaly ate some birdseed**cough hack!!!* ahh thats better, hmmm *looks at Kitsune with a michevous glint in her eyes*"hmm, whens the honeymoon dear?"Scamps21:28:22 12/05/01 Wed
**Walks up like a buisness man** Ah, yes, I see . . . Are you two Scamps and Kitsune? **Looks as both of them nod** Good. Well, at a few unnamed guest put their names in as yours, and you've just won a trip to either of these places: #1. The Bahamas #2. Hawaii #3. Italy. This is a paid vacation, with an unlimited spending bill! Implying that you get to spend as much as you want! You start out with a 5-day cruise, and then you arrive at the place of your desire, and then you spend 2 weeks together in a very expensive (all expenses paid) hotel. Please enjoy.Shroudy12:50:58 12/06/01 Thu
*??? marks appear over the fox's head.* Bahamas? Hawaii?? Italy??? I thought we were in the land of Mossflower... *Watches as a yellow bird as big as two wolves runs past them incidentally.* Or at least next to the Chocobo Forest... Shroudy, are you sure you're fully licenced to give us this paid vacation? Hmmm... What do you think Scamps...? (NT)Kitsune the inquisitive.01:17:06 12/09/01 Sun
Maybe Shoudy just wanted to make a good atmosphere.Dartpaw08:26:59 12/09/01 Sun
Wull, mayhaps dere bes a Hawaii-loik pwace in Mossflowa! Oi mean, Sampetra wurr a gurtly purty place!Furtil10:53:25 12/09/01 Sun
i say Hawaii!!! yeah!!!!! KWEH WARRKKKK*looksa round for the chocobo......*i say Hawaii...*straps on a grass skirt and doeas a small dance with it on...maybye a little too silly, then starts running around putting Leis(the neckthings made of flowers) around everybodys necks*Scamps23:59:02 12/09/01 Sun

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