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Subject: *Scamps walks in, scratching her head, she seems to have lost weight, and her eyes are dull, as though somebody had sucked near all the life out of them, and shes shakeing* "I..Me.......i can't seem to remember the last few days!......somthing has taken away the momories!!! i remember going to Lancepaws...and seeing Nightband and that....*frowns* and i remember singing "I knew i loved you" by savage garden.....and thats it.....just after i sang the song i can seem to remember hearing a voice speaking to me....and then theres a big void after that!!!*looks anxious and slumps down on one of the nearby seats and holds her head in her hands in a worried fashion* "i think i did som,thing wrong...everybody innthe hall was stareing at me when i woke up...whats happening to me!!

Scamps Angel (Windstar)Uzuki
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Date Posted: 23:52:17 01/09/02 Wed
In reply to: Song 's message, "OK!" on 07:08:44 01/01/02 Tue

>Heres the wedding, now then, lets get to it! ** Hugs
>her hedgehog son gingerly.** Sorry Rumpus!** The
>wolfmaid stands and waits for her groom to get there.

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I'm not sure when I should come in so I'll just wait till the time comes.Rumpus03:38:46 01/10/02 Thu
    Rumpus, c'mere!** Whispers** When Whiteye says 'the ring?' then go ok?Song07:33:33 01/10/02 Thu

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