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Subject: Sylver only

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Date Posted: 07:16:18 01/29/02 Tue
In reply to: Sylver Rustfang 's message, "(look in song only)" on 01:44:14 01/29/02 Tue

Weeeeeell, Im not allowed to tell my real name on the net, so you'll just have to do with Songbreeze.

RPing: Thats hard. Really, I was really into Redwall when I was 4-5, and so I decided to see if there was a site on Redwall. I got more than I bargained for. I finally came to DAB and met Furrtil, who gave me a link to one site, which led to the next, and to Lancepaws. Came there, found a few more, oh, 1000 sites, and added some to my fav's. Then I met ye, and...well, thats what it is! But heres something I can say. I live in Houston Texas, have honey-colored log hair, green eyes, and am nine years old. Gotta go! Cya!

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okay, umm where are we in the wedding, around the end right, it was long wedding, im bushed....do i get to kiss the bride now? ermm, i have no idea whwre we are *shrugs*Sylver Rustfang04:47:10 02/01/02 Fri

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