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Subject: (look in song only)

Sylver Rustfang
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Date Posted: 01:44:14 01/29/02 Tue
In reply to: Song 's message, "OK!" on 07:08:44 01/01/02 Tue

eh? no not that personal, anyway.....a little bit of info on me..
RL name : Nick (call me Sylver!)
how did i come to become a RP wolf?
well, im Scamps RL cousin belive it or not, i was around at her house one day and she was..on the computer, and i was..i think i was playing her playstation, she told me about Lancepaws, got me interested, she thought id be too shy to even consider introduceing myself there so she made the char Sylver from what im like in real life (yes fear my red/brown hair and bloo eyes! mwhahaha) and because i like foxes and wolves, after that i took over the char and kept it at that, mostlky because i got a dance from you, and id saw ye on a few other boards and you did seem nice...i swear i almost fell of my seat when you asked me to marry you (awhoooo!)
after that Scamps is constantly going on and on whenever i see her about her mate kit...hehe (i think it's kind of cute) and constantly teases me about "Sylver and song sittin in'a tree lala.."
i could probably get a photo of me but i can give no promises...(photos of me are very rare, to catch me on film you might have to chase me down and use a net...;-)
though i never excpected to have 7 dibbuns *chuckles*
anyway, what your story of how you became a RP'er?
*glares across the room at a certain white wolf who is changeing the CD"
at least she let me use her comp while i was around at 'er house (i have my own, but im almost to lazy to turnt he thing on since it takes ages to simply boot up rrrrrr)
*scamps wants to say somthing*
Scamps here: hey song! Nick here *bonks him on the head with a blow up cricket bat* loooooooves ye!!! *bounces around* hehehe! though he never would have said that if i did'nt say it for himm!!! *stops Sylver from takeing away the keyboard*have a happy married life with this guy! he's great when you get under his floofy hair! hehe! *Slyver: i heard that remark about my hair Scamps...you are going down.*
Scamps: bye i now go cause he's getting ticked at me hehe!
Sylver: yes..i never should have let her write in this message, but im not going to delete it either...well it is her computer..bye song!
*scamps from back of room* "byes song!"

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Sylver onlySongbreeze07:16:18 01/29/02 Tue

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