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Subject: *Iraga notices the confusion in Song's eyes.* /What's th' matter?/ *She looks down at her, a smile on her face. Nightband waves to song, then smiles.* How are things, Song? Is all well? I've been gone for some time, and need a bit of an update...

Nightband and Iraga
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Date Posted: 19:38:52 02/20/02 Wed
In reply to: Iraga and Nightband 's message, "*someone walks in draped in an emerald cloak studded with rubies and sapphires*" on 21:06:15 02/19/02 Tue

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*a glimmer of white is seen nearby and Scamps appears, trotting through the early morning dew on the grass, she is slightly small for a almost fully grown she-wolf, and fine-boned, her colors are snowy white, with a black underbelly, paws and eartips, inclueing a black tailtip that has a line running to the base of her long tail, her eyes constantly seem to shift in color, but stay green and amber most of the time, she looks up and Sights on the new wolf, flicking one of her ears forward the silver hoops in it sway, she takes a running leap and Lands next to the wolf* "Hi there mate, Im Scamps...pleased to meecha, any freind of Nightbands is a freind of mine..*her eyes go a cloudy grey* "so what did you want me for..anything serious?"*she raises one eyebrow and her tail flicks restlessly*Scamps Angel (Windstar)Uzuki01:56:57 02/21/02 Thu

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