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Subject: *someone walks in draped in an emerald cloak studded with rubies and sapphires*

Iraga and Nightband
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Date Posted: 21:06:15 02/19/02 Tue

*she peers through her hood, curious about everything going on. Then, she pushes half of her hood back, revealing part of a wolf's face. She smiles gently, her silver eyes sparkling. Her clawed paw pushes her hood all the way and she goes to sit on a nearby rock. She wiggles her ears slightly, two brass hoops in her left ear jangling noisily. Her eartips are gold and her lips are a purple color. She peers up at the sky, a ridiculous smile on her face. Suddenly, her face is stern and her head snapped to stare in one direction. Her eyes are now squinted, her teeth baring slightly, then someone in a sapphire colored cloak enters. She relaxes and continues staring at the sky.

The beast in the sapphire cloak appears awfully tall. She stares around, two crimson orbs hidden in the shadow of her hood sparkling. She then pushes back the cloak hood to reveal...Nightband! Nightband smiles widely at everybeast, then goes over to sit by the wolf.*

Hello Iraga.

*they wolf nods absently, then tears her sight from the clouds.*

Mmm...'ello, Nightband.

*there is something slightly familiar about Iraga...her tail is now seen from beneath her cloak. It is colored crimson, dark blue, royal purple, and then white at the tip...the exact same colors as Nightband's tail!*

Sorry I haven't been around in a while. I was out traveling. I found Iraga while traveling further north...and I recognized the colors she bore; the tail, the ears, and the lips. Same as mine. Therefore, she was one of my old clan members a long time ago.

*Iraga smiled slightly, wiggling her ears again.*

'Ello there, e'erybeast. 'Tis a pleasure to be 'ere. Now, tell me, where is Scamps? I would like to meet 'er.

*She stood up from the rock, then climbed on top, searching for Scamps.*

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Song rejoices at the sight of another wolf, and she howls in welcoming.** Good day Iraga! Tis a pleasure to meet ye!** Suddenly her emerald green eyes get a confused look as they watch Iraga.Song18:33:51 02/20/02 Wed
*Iraga notices the confusion in Song's eyes.* /What's th' matter?/ *She looks down at her, a smile on her face. Nightband waves to song, then smiles.* How are things, Song? Is all well? I've been gone for some time, and need a bit of an update... (NT)Nightband and Iraga19:38:52 02/20/02 Wed
*a glimmer of white is seen nearby and Scamps appears, trotting through the early morning dew on the grass, she is slightly small for a almost fully grown she-wolf, and fine-boned, her colors are snowy white, with a black underbelly, paws and eartips, inclueing a black tailtip that has a line running to the base of her long tail, her eyes constantly seem to shift in color, but stay green and amber most of the time, she looks up and Sights on the new wolf, flicking one of her ears forward the silver hoops in it sway, she takes a running leap and Lands next to the wolf* "Hi there mate, Im Scamps...pleased to meecha, any freind of Nightbands is a freind of mine..*her eyes go a cloudy grey* "so what did you want me for..anything serious?"*she raises one eyebrow and her tail flicks restlessly*Scamps Angel (Windstar)Uzuki01:56:57 02/21/02 Thu
*Iraga nods to Scamps.* Aye, there is something serious to discuss. Ya know the north, right, where you originally came from? A strong force od vermin have been going through the north, smiting all in their path. I've come to warn ye, and my clan member Nightband. Your fort here is in danger...growing danger to be exact. *both her ears twitch sharply and she looks up to a raven floating on the wing. She growls and presses her ears back against her head. She pulls out a bow and arrow, notches the arrow to the bow, and shoots the arrow with deadly accuracy at the raven. It falls from the sky just beyond the wall. Iraga growls again, then looks to Scamps.* A scout for the vermin force. They've plenty and won't notice this one's gone. But, ye must act fast. They come quickly and grow stronger. (NT)Iraga21:28:28 02/21/02 Thu
*grins evilly and shrugs* i donnnt think we can have a problem with vermin, ya see Windstar caverns is locatred behind the wolf caves of my brothers "northern alliance" caves...so..they would have to go through over 1000 of just the wolves who live in those caves to even get close to the caverns, and anyway, Starwulf has not said anything abut vermin, he has regular far patrols of each numbered 200 that go out and scout the countryside looking for vermin, i can;t belive they will get through his pack, yte may not notice it, but just coming here you passed through my bros packlands, if they had though you to be vermin you woulda been nailed to a tree stump faster than you could say ":watch out for that arrow!" ....so, im noit worried *smiles and looks for more ravens, an reminds herself to warn the watchbeasts to keep on the lookout for morescamps20:35:21 02/22/02 Fri
*a large fox/wolf hybrid with red and grey dusty fur walks by and stops before jogging over to camps and the new wolf* "hi there, im Syler...is there a problem?...*there is concern in his murky blue eyes as he looks at her*Sylver Rustfang05:44:37 02/24/02 Sun
*grins at song..then his expression slowly turns to a concerened frown..* i think you might be right...im getting so..bad vibes *he shivers in the hot atmostphere of the springs* wel...she's a newcomer...i can't really say bad stuff about her..she just came to warn us about vermin*put and arm around Song and waits for the newcomer to reply*Sylver Rustfang01:57:47 02/25/02 Mon
*A small batmaid flaps down next to Scamps.* Hello Iraga. I couldn't help but overhearing about vermin, but don't worry. If we need to fight, we will. These caverns are full of warriors and vermin would be foolish to threaten us. (NT)Dusklight09:29:15 02/25/02 Mon
errrrmmm...does anybody else notice that Igara had gone non-existant?*looks around at her cousin Sylver, Dusklight,Song and the others and shrugs* yeah, if wee need to fight...heh,well, beasts here are all hounarble good and noible fighters, best you can find *smiles* vermin fear us for a reason *winks*Scamps angel Uzuki23:24:00 02/25/02 Mon
*Iraga looks at both Sylver and Song* What is wrong? I can sense there's something wrong....just tell me, please! *she stares at them for a moment, then looks to Scamps* I suppose yer right...I did see an awful lot of wolves patrolling those grounds, and it scared me a bit...but Nightband didn't seem phased at all...*she looks at Nightband suspiciously from the corner of her eye. Nightband is simply sitting there, smiling and looking at everybeast around...waving every once in a while and saying "hello"s. Iraga really didn't feel very comfortable around her supposed "clan member", but.....she was more concerned with the way Sylver and Song were looking at her.* (NT)Iraga15:51:56 02/26/02 Tue
*Sylver nods towards song* "well...im not sure what it is...Song can sense somthing, im not sure...*shrugs and looks at song* well, yes there are many wolves around these parts, they are part of Scamps brothers pack, ive seen then in action against foebeasts *grins* i went long patroling with them once*looks at Iraga* whats wrong..you seem disturbed by somthing?........Sylver Rustfang21:31:29 02/26/02 Tue
*Nightband notices the rather unfriendly glance from Iraga. She shifts slightly, now uncomfortable.* Iraga, what is the matter with you? I didn't like to way you just looked at me...you looked at me like I was an enemy or something...*she stares at Iraga uncertainly with her eyes squinted slightly* ...Or are you hiding something from me....? (NT)Nightband21:11:01 02/28/02 Thu
*Fidgets nervously with her dirks.* (NT)Dusklight08:57:29 03/01/02 Fri
*Iraga stares nervously at Nightband.* What....waddya mean, Nightband? Hehe...*she laughs nervously, gulping slightly.* I...haven't the faintest idea o' what ye mean!! *she fidgets with the hem of her cloak nervously, smiling strangely, hoping it is an innocent smile.* (NT)Iraga20:25:30 03/04/02 Mon
*Nightband's lip twitches slightly as she stares at Iraga. Then, she mutters something to her* One false move, Iraga, one...move that hints you're going to hurt someone and I'll personally throw you out. *she pays no attention to the frightened look on Iraga's face, but instead turns to Dewrose with a smile* What was that little birdie you caught? Its quite interesting looking...and why'd you call it a little beastie? *she grins* (NT)Nightband17:02:12 03/25/02 Mon

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