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Subject: *Iraga nods to Scamps.* Aye, there is something serious to discuss. Ya know the north, right, where you originally came from? A strong force od vermin have been going through the north, smiting all in their path. I've come to warn ye, and my clan member Nightband. Your fort here is in danger...growing danger to be exact. *both her ears twitch sharply and she looks up to a raven floating on the wing. She growls and presses her ears back against her head. She pulls out a bow and arrow, notches the arrow to the bow, and shoots the arrow with deadly accuracy at the raven. It falls from the sky just beyond the wall. Iraga growls again, then looks to Scamps.* A scout for the vermin force. They've plenty and won't notice this one's gone. But, ye must act fast. They come quickly and grow stronger.

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Date Posted: 21:28:28 02/21/02 Thu
In reply to: Iraga and Nightband 's message, "*someone walks in draped in an emerald cloak studded with rubies and sapphires*" on 21:06:15 02/19/02 Tue

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*grins evilly and shrugs* i donnnt think we can have a problem with vermin, ya see Windstar caverns is locatred behind the wolf caves of my brothers "northern alliance" caves...so..they would have to go through over 1000 of just the wolves who live in those caves to even get close to the caverns, and anyway, Starwulf has not said anything abut vermin, he has regular far patrols of each numbered 200 that go out and scout the countryside looking for vermin, i can;t belive they will get through his pack, yte may not notice it, but just coming here you passed through my bros packlands, if they had though you to be vermin you woulda been nailed to a tree stump faster than you could say ":watch out for that arrow!" ....so, im noit worried *smiles and looks for more ravens, an reminds herself to warn the watchbeasts to keep on the lookout for morescamps20:35:21 02/22/02 Fri

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