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Subject: *Iraga looks at both Sylver and Song* What is wrong? I can sense there's something wrong....just tell me, please! *she stares at them for a moment, then looks to Scamps* I suppose yer right...I did see an awful lot of wolves patrolling those grounds, and it scared me a bit...but Nightband didn't seem phased at all...*she looks at Nightband suspiciously from the corner of her eye. Nightband is simply sitting there, smiling and looking at everybeast around...waving every once in a while and saying "hello"s. Iraga really didn't feel very comfortable around her supposed "clan member", but.....she was more concerned with the way Sylver and Song were looking at her.*

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Date Posted: 15:51:56 02/26/02 Tue
In reply to: Iraga and Nightband 's message, "*someone walks in draped in an emerald cloak studded with rubies and sapphires*" on 21:06:15 02/19/02 Tue

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*Sylver nods towards song* "well...im not sure what it is...Song can sense somthing, im not sure...*shrugs and looks at song* well, yes there are many wolves around these parts, they are part of Scamps brothers pack, ive seen then in action against foebeasts *grins* i went long patroling with them once*looks at Iraga* whats wrong..you seem disturbed by somthing?........Sylver Rustfang21:31:29 02/26/02 Tue
    Its me...She mumbles half to herself, and half to Sylver. And a half meaning as well.** Sorry.** Snaps out of it.** The question of the day: What's Song sensing. My answer of the day is: I dont know.Song13:21:14 02/27/02 Wed

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