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Date Posted: 03:38:39 05/14/14 Wed
Author: Araninda
Subject: The Alternate Endings

April 29th marked nine years since the series finale of JAG. Has it been 9 years already? Wow! And here we are, this great community, still talking about the show and drooling over Harm.

In belated celebration of the finale anniversary, I am again posting the alternate endings for "Fair Winds and Following Seas". Some of you, particularly if you are new to our community, may not know that there were, in fact, three different endings written for the series finale.

By all accounts, the FWFS script underwent several major scene and dialogue changes in the latter stages of filming. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the ending scene at McMurphy’s. Script rewrites resulted in three different endings, but the version that aired -- Harm & Mac announcing their engagement and the coin toss - was the only ending actually filmed.

The other two endings are posted below. The scene at Harm’s apartment is not a part of either of these two endings. Therefore Harm and Mac are not engaged or have not had the romantic interlude at his apartment when they come to McMurphy’s to celebrate Harm’s promotion. The first ending posted below has been called the “sexy” ending. The second one was the “romantic” ending.

I invite you to read through these alternate endings and post your response to this question:

Did we see the best ending of the three?

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[> Inside for the FWFS alternate endings. -- ....., 03:44:29 05/14/14 Wed

The Sexy Ending (script draft as of March 7, 2005)

Harm, Mac, Coates, Cresswell, Turner, Bud and Harriet are in McMurphy's Bar. The time is after Harm’s frocking ceremony. Harm in his mess dress with Captain’s bars. Mac is in the red dress. Hilarity ensues. Mac leans over to Harm.

Mac: “We need to talk.”

Harm: “We've been talking all night.”

Mac: “Let's take this outside.”

Mac stands, not minding that Harm is taking in the full view as she pulls a wrap around herself. Mac starts for the door and Harm can be seen appreciating her form as she walks away.

Harm and Mac exit the bar.

Mac: “What time's your flight?”

Harm: “Zero eight hundred.”

Mac: “That's eight hours from now.”

Harm: “What's your point?”

Mac: “That gives you two hours to finish packing...one hour to get to Andrews.”

She gives him a look. He plays along with it.

Harm: “What do I do with the other five?”

She holds out a set of keys.

Mac: “The big one's to the downstairs door. The small one's to my apartment. Sometimes it sticks a little so you'll want to give it an extra hard push.” (Seductively) “I won't be hard to find. I'll be the girl in the red silk camisole.”

Harm: “You look good in silk.”

Mac: “I look better out of it.”

Mac tosses him the keys.

Mac: “It's time we found out what the past nine years were all about.”

She turns to go. Harm is nearly speechless.

Mac: “See you, Harm.”

Harm (hesitates, then): “See you, Mac.”

Freeze...End of Show.

The Romantic Ending (script draft as of March 8, 2005)

The scene starts out the same as the above version:

Harm, Mac, Coates, Cresswell, Turner, Bud and Harriet are in McMurphy's Bar. The time is after Harm’s frocking ceremony. Harm in his mess dress with Captain’s bars. Mac is in the red dress. Hilarity ensues. Mac leans over to Harm.

Mac: “We need to talk.”

Harm: “We've been talking all night.”

Mac: “Let's take this outside.”

Then this version of the scene takes a different turn.

Mac and Harm come out into the cool of the night.

Harm: “So what's so important that it can't wait?”

Mac: “I have a proposition for you.”

Harm: “I have one for you.”

Mac: “Who goes first?”

Harm: “The lady, always.” (With a smile.) “Except this once.” (With a bigger smile.) “I have something for you.”

He reaches into a pocket of his dress uniform and takes out something wrapped in tissue paper.

Harm: “This is for you.”

Mac opens the tissue. We see what's inside. A diamond ring.

Mac: “What's this?”

Harm: “A diamond ring.”

Mac: “I know. But what does it mean?”

Harm: “Try it on.”

Mac slips it on her finger.

Harm: “It comes with a lifetime guarantee. Perhaps you've heard of it. Love. Honor. Obey.” (With a grin) “At least some of the time.”

Mac: “You're asking me to marry you eight hours before you get on a transport to London?”

Harm: “Better than that. There's a justice of the peace in Ellicott City who's standing by to marry us.”

Mac looks at him like he's crazy.

Mac: “When did you decide all this?”

Harm: “I've had the ring for six months. I've had the love for nine years.”

Harm (softly): “At a time like this it's customary for the woman to say something. Yes will suffice.”

Mac looks at him for a long beat.

Harm: “Remember the part about jumping off the ten meter board.”

Mac: “Yes. Yes to both questions.”

He takes her in his arms and kisses her. She kisses him back.

Mac: “This is going to take some getting used to.”

Harm: “We have a lifetime.”

Freeze....End of Show.

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[> [> unforturately we probably got the best one although I did like the romatic one -- Beth, 09:46:06 05/14/14 Wed

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[> [> My two favorit lines (one from each ending) are.... -- The Chief, 09:33:36 05/15/14 Thu

1) Mac: "It's time to find out what the last nine years were all about."

2) Harm: "I've had the ring for six months. I've had the love for nine years."

If they had put Harm's line first, her yes, a romantic kiss, then Mac's line, then dash to his 'Vette hand-in-hand... Yeah, that would have been another option.

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[> The 'sexy' ending, for me, would not have worked at all as it would have trivialized the whole Mac and Harm relationship. I would have liked the 'romantic' ending, but still would have been as lacking as what we got.There just was no 'closure', whatsoever to JAG. All the behind-the-scenes people and reasons really took the shine off what could have been a worthy last few seasons and ending to a fantastic show. And,at this point, it doesn't look like JAG will ever be 're-visited'. I wonder if anyone involved with JAG look back now and think the same as we do! :) -- mj, 12:21:32 05/14/14 Wed

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[> They couldn't rewrite the whole of S 9 and 10, but they could have made a satisfying ending, by doing an exciting three parter. If they had to use Vucovic because of contractual reasons, I'd have them make him a bad guy, whom Harm and Mac thwart together. (Inside) -- Cece, 13:46:00 05/14/14 Wed

I'd get the romance possibilities going in the first part, with loads of sexual/romantic tension, but without the nastiness of the previous years. There would be a hot, romantic, unexpected kiss that shocks them both, but doesn't resolve the UST at this point.

Part 2 would be all about the tracking down of Vucovic, with intermittent views of V doing dastardly deeds. I'd have made sure that the CAG and AJ made an appearance for old time sake. Also, Tiner and Gunny would have a pivotal role. The H/M romance would be seen with the usual looks of yearning, etc.

Part 3 would have H and M stuck somewhere together, hot and sweaty, with NO interruptions. Then they would damn well make love and it would be passionate, while maintaining it's prime time restrictions in what we actually see. The word "love" would NOT be followed by "BUT." After the love making and requisite sleep, they would be saved from their situation and have to be all business again. At this point, nothing would have been resolved, and they'd both feel that excited pleasure at what had happened but still enormously frustrated about what it all means to the other one.

Part 3 would be massively exciting with danger and mayhem, and all the old JAG people would be involved someway or another. And THEN we'd get the proposal, and to hell with the obstacles. Maddie would be referred to as living happily with her reformed father and wonderful great auntie. No need to drag her into it.

Harm would get his promotion to London, and Mac would get her move their by request. (I don't care if the real Navy rules would allow it.)

Final scene: Harm in his new uniform, and Mac in her red dress, along with the JAG colleagues in quick dress changes, would all end up at a Justice of the Peace, and there would be the wedding (no 400 guests, and months of planning.) There could be a lovely funny ending if they wanted, or a retrospect of scenes throughout the years, with planes and carriers etc, and the JAG theme throughout.

But this is just me and my fantasy ending. But really, anything would be better than what we got.

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[> [> Now that's some very worthy scenes and storylines going on there, Cece! And totally do-able -- even with all the behind-the-scenes ugliness between major TV star vs. show creator! The board of the network could have stepped in over the dispute at-hand, sacked the writers and hired you?!!! LOL! -- mj -then we would've gotten what we should've!, 16:37:16 05/14/14 Wed

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[> [> [> I agree with mj. They should have fired the writers and hired you, Cece. I like your ending best of all but the romantic ending was ok, the sexy ending not really and what we got was somewhat satisfying. -- Kelsey, 17:01:34 05/14/14 Wed

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[> [> your ending is definitely better! V definitely was a bad guy.. -- Alicia, 20:04:45 05/14/14 Wed

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[> Thank you for posting this! Given the choice I would have went with the romantic ending, The sexy one makes me cringe lol.. (inside) -- Alicia, 20:43:20 05/14/14 Wed

Coming from a vantage point of knowing the end without knowing how they got there, and then watching the show over months vs years..

The ending at first seemed lacking, but then watching the show these last months-- beyond disappointing is an understatement... I don't watch Vukovich scenes so I can't speak to those, but his character immediately bothered me immensely as he was the anti-Harm, being portrayed as the new Harm. They built such great characters at the offset and by the end did their best to tear them down. The dynamics overall were mean..The characters broken. Harm's character was the thread, the conscience, the passion, the heart etc..etc.. and what his character brought out in the others was part of the soul of the show.. When they tried to negate that, they got the result they did...

Although I still can't figure out how Harm and Turner became so antagonistic toward each other, but I digress..

The best part of the ending to me was Harm making Captain on his way to eventually becoming the JAG. Before they dismantled the characters, that was one of the themes I saw.. in his evolving to living his own destiny vs that of his father's.

Though minor Mac's dress bothered me as it was the same one she was wearing in San Diego..

They went from barely communicating to let's get married..and it all pointed back to Harm's character as the reason they were not together..

The fate thing.. She enters his apt with the why have we let fate determine out futures, to only appear to go that route... the new 500 lb gorilla..and ignoring her strong desire to have a family... JAG was at the end of Harm's journey and a family was at the end of her's..with their roads becoming one.

Also bothersome to me was that he wouldn't go to London without Mattie, but didn't want to forgo his career for Mac..yet let's flip a coin...an I love you from her would have been nice as well..or the writers at least making her words less snide or some happiness at his promotion...

Splicing stuff in a rushed manner in a completed episode garnered the ending... Taking in some JAG history of the how they got there, in an interview circa 2006 DJE even noted the ending as disappointing...

In a pinch they should have resorted to a Lifeline reboot, at least that would have made some sense and some proper character closure...

With 10 years passing Harm would be prime JAG age.. its unfortunate that there isn't some type of reunion to correct the last couple of years...

Having just come to the show, it's fresh angst lol...

So after babbling on here... to me at least the romantic ending would have been more in character, putting back some of the fun and the warmth that was eroded.

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[> [> Agree with your comments here, Alicia. Well said. -- Dee, 16:38:50 08/16/14 Sat

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