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Date Posted: 21:05:19 08/11/14 Mon
Author: Alicia
Subject: That scene was from S9 Close Quarters when Harm returns to JAG. (inside)
In reply to: Cece 's message, "Yeah, very cool promo. It makes me want to watch! I can't remember that line. Did you say it came from Dream Team? That was the only episode of the 2nd part of S 10, that reminded me of the old JAG. But by that time, I my disappointment with what was going down was so intense, I actually barely watched, and certainly can't remember, any of the eps, except the last 7 minutes of the final ep. (Inside)" on 16:47:18 08/11/14 Mon

Here is a link to the whole scene from You Tube.

Do What You Do

I love the "How did that work out for you?"

I think if I would have watched the show over the course of its run, I would have felt the same way. Heck, I watched it over months, and have some similar feelings.

I didn't like the finale even the 7.5 minutes--as it was I don't want to give up my Navy career to let's flip a coin when for me the premise of the show was Harm's journey to becoming JAG. At least in the end he got the girl and became Captain and was on his way. I still haven't really watched the Vukovich parts, as I don't like him and saw no purpose in doing so. And actually my favorite part of the whole episode was when Harm was packing up his photographs-- his dad (talking to his picture) and the picture of him and Skates. It was like he was turning the pages of his book, and going on to the next chapter. I read somewhere that the only reason Mattie was mentioned was because DJE wrote that on the fly.

One would have also thought when AJ left, there would have been at least a personal moment between him, Harm and Mac. He should have given Harm the painting in his office a throwback to where it began with him.

I think of all the characters, Harm did fare the best in the character knockdown--thankfully.

S10 was just plain awful to me. I did like Dream Team because it was truer to JAG before it went off the cliff. The Man on the Bridge was good as well, because of the Harm parallels, and the sense one gets that he is finally at peace in relation to his father. The FBI agent would have made a great Webb replacement. I didn't much care for the 4% Solution, it probably would have been better if they aired it at the beginning of the season as originally planned. The one thing I took from it was how Harm dominated the episode without really being in it, kind of foretelling that there really isn't a show without him.

It seemed they never really recovered from the latter part of S8, beginning with the NCIS pilot and moving onto Paraguay. It seemed like they didn't have one showrunner and everyone was simultaneously taking it in a different direction.

They could have had a good S11 even after the mess, with some retooling back to what the show was, but they made some bad decisions with S10 and with DJE. They would have had a good show, and folks would have had their jobs.

It's probably one of the few shows that had many of its loyal fans asking the network to cancel it.

Thankfully it went on so long that there are so many really good episodes and characters in the mix, especially Harm :-).

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[> [> Oh okay, now I remember. What broke my heart when Harm first walked into the bullpen, and no one made any fuss. Then the Admiral, said something like, "Commander, in my office," and Harm looked up hopefully, not realizing AJ was talking to Sturgis. -- Cece, 03:57:17 08/12/14 Tue

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[> [> [> That was the word, Cece, broken hearted. I was so glad Harm was back, but I barely recognized anyone on the show. Harm and the Admiral's relationship was gone, it was worse than adversarial. The promo was great, but sigh!!! who were these people??? -- mkim, 13:07:36 08/12/14 Tue

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