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Date Posted: 17:08:48 09/22/14 Mon
Author: mkim
Subject: ITA Chief. It is amazing to me the changes in entertainment ohver recent years. And like him or not, Donald Bellisario was not afraid to allow Good Guys and let our enemies look like what they really are, not some...
In reply to: The Chief 's message, "JAG championed Good Guys over bad guys, and it was easy to tell the difference. Not that things were simple - the characters and situations were often complex, nuanced and layerd - but the bad guys were bad and the good guys were good. And Harm was the Gorgeous Leader of the Good Guys and the center of the show. How could you not love him? So many shows now are filled with "anti-heroes" or no good guys at all, and certainly no bad guys (because that's politically incorrect). I can hardly watch tv anymore." on 17:20:59 09/21/14 Sun

Throwback to Germany or God forbid, some kind of mechanical monster. The lack of reality in movies and TV in their portrayal of what military men are fighting and the real danger our enemies work everyday to rain down on us, at this point makes me not want to give a minute of my attention or one dollar of admission to view their PC crap.

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[> [> [> [> Tell us what you really think, Mkim! LOL And I Totally Agree, BTW -- The Chief, 23:24:04 09/23/14 Tue

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